Personal Links:
• Catalytic and Sorbent MaterialsProfessional Memberships:
• American Institute of Chemical Engineers• National Science Foundation
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D., Yale University, 1992
- B.S., University de Mar del Plata, 1985
- Electrohydrodynamics as a tool for large-scale production of nanomaterials for medical applications such as controlled release of drugs and surgical bandages.
- Catalysis and adsorption: oxidation, isomerization and biocatalysis. Pore size control via use of organic templates.
Memberships and Positions:
- Active in American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Member 1993-present
- Editorial Board Member Applied Catalysis A (Elsevier), 2003-2007
- Consultant for ABB Lummus Global, Inc; Kraft food, Inc.
- Proposal review panelist for multiple Federal agencies
- Founder LNKChemsolutions, nanotech company with nanoparticle and nanofiber applications as core businesses
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Catalysis
- Adsorption
- Materials Design
- Nanostructured materials for biomedical applications
Research Profiles:
Courses Taught
- CHME 323 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
- CHME 442/842 - Chemical Reactor Engineering and Design
- CHME 845 - Advanced Chemical Engineering Kinetics
- CHME 847 - Principles and Applications of Catalysis in Reaction Engineering
About Gustavo Larsen
Dr. Larsen has been a Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln since 1993. He completed his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Mar Del Plata (Argentina) in 1985 and his Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from Yale University in 1992.
Dr. Larsen has devoted his research career to two broad fields, namely catalysis and adsorption, and the scalable production and testing of nanomaterials for biomedical applications. He is a highly cited author in both areas of materials engineering, and is also an inventor and patent holder of related technologies.
Honors and Awards
- National Science Foundation MCAA Award, 2002
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 1998
- Nominated for the University-wide Teaching Award, 1995
- Yale University Prize Teaching Fellow, 1991
- Henry Prentiss Becton Prize for Excellence in Engineering Research, 1992
Selected Publications
G. Larsen, “Discussion: On Danckwerts’ boundary conditions for the plug-flow with dispersion/reaction model”, Chem. Eng. Comm., published online April 01, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1080/00986445.2020.1835876
D. J. Voce, G. M. Bernal, L. Wu, C. D. Crawley, W. Zhang, N. M. Mansour, K. E. Cahill, S. J. Szymura, A. Uppal, D. R. Raleigh, R. Spretz, L. Núñez, G. Larsen, N. N. Khodarev, R. R. Weichselbaum and B. Yamini, “Temozolomide Treatment Induces IncRNA MALAT1 in NF-kB and p53 Codependent Manner in Gliobastoma”, Cancer Res. 79(10), 2536-2548 (2019).
J. Ragusa, D. González, S. Li, S. Noriega, M. Skotak and G. Larsen, “Glucosamine/L-lactide Copolymers ad Potential Carriers for the Development of Sustained Rifampicin Release System Using Mycobacterium Smegmatis as a Tuberculosis Model”, Helyon 5(4): e01539, April 2019.
U. R. Yanala, J. M. Johanning, I. I. Pipinos, R. R. High, G. Larsen, W. H. Velander and M. A. Carlson, “Fluid Administration Rate for Uncontrolled Intraabdominal Hemorrhage in Swine”, PLoS One 13(11): e0207708, November 2018.
J. S. Young, G. Bernal, S. P. Polster, L. Núñez, G. Larsen, N. Mansour, M. Podell and B. Yamini, “Convection-enhanced delivery of polymeric nanoparticles encapsulating chemotherapy in canines with spontaneous supratentorial tumors”, World Neurosurg. 117, e698-e704, September 2018.
D. González, J. Ragusa, P. C. Angeletti and G. Larsen, “Preparation and characterization of heparin-loaded of poly-caprolactone fibrous mats to prevent infection with human papilloma viruses”, PLoS One 13(7): e0199925, July 2018.
S. Capolla, N. Mezzaroba, S. Zorset, C. Tripodo, R. Mendoza-Maldonado, M. Granzotto, F. Vita, R. Spretz, G. Larsen, S. Noriega, E. Mansilla, M. Dal Bo, V. Gattei, G. Pozzato, L. Núñez and P. Macor, “A New Approach for the Treatment of CLL Using Chlorambucil/hydroxychloroquine-loaded anti-CD20 Nanoparticles”, Nano Res. 9(2), p. 537-548 (2016)
N. M. Mansour, G. M. Bernal, C. D. Crawley, K. E. Cahill, D. J. Voce, W. Zhang, R.Spretz, R. R. Weichselbaum, L. Núñez, G.. Larsen and B. Yamini, "Decoy Receptor 1 is a p50/Bcl3-regulated gene that blocks the anti-glioma effect of temozolomide", Cancer Res. 75(10), 2039-2048 (2015)
G. M. Bernal, M. J. LaRiviere, N. Mansour, P. Pytel, K. E. Cahill, D. J. Voce, S. Kang, R. Srpetz, U. Welp, S. E. Noriega, L. Núñez, G. Larsen, R. R. Weichselbaum and B. Yamini, “Convection Enhanced Delivery and In Vivo Imaging of Polymeric Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Malignant Glioma”, Nanomedicine: Nanotech., Biol. &. Med. 10(1), 149-157 (2014).
Yanala U. R., Johanning J. M., Pipinos I. I., Larsen G., Velander W. H., Carlson, M. A., “Development of a Fatal Noncompressible Truncal Hemorrhage Model with combined Hepatic and Portal Venous Injury in Normothermic Normovolemic Swine”, PLoS One, 9(9), e108293, Sep. 2014.
N. Mezzaroba, S. Zorzet, E. Secco, S. Biffi, C. Tripodo, M. Calvaruso, R. Mendoza-Maldonado, S. Capolla, M. Granzotto, R. Spretz, G. Larsen, S. Noriega, M. Lucafo, E. Mansilla, C. Garrovo, G. H. Marin, G. Baj, V. Gattei, G. Pozzato, L. Núñez and P. Macor, “New Potential Therapeutic Approach for the Treatment of B-Cell Malignancies Using Chlorambucil/Hydroxychloroquine Loaded Anti-CD20 Nanoparticles”, PLoS One 8(9), e74216 (2013).
Noriega, S. E., Hasanova, G. I., Schneider, M. J., Larsen, G. and Subramanian, A., “Effect of Fiber Diameter on the Spreading, Proliferation and Differentiation of Chondrocytes on Electrospun Chitosan Matrices”, Cells, Tissues & Organs 195, 207-221 (2012)
Mansilla E., Díaz Aquino V., Zambón D., Martire K., Marín G., Roque G., Drago H., Sturla F., Ichim T., Nuñez L., Larsen G., Riordan N., Spretz R., van Leeuwen M., Tau J.M., Soratti C., Ibar R., Maceira A., “Could Metabolic Syndrome, Lipodystrophy, and Aging Be Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exhaustion Syndromes?”, Stem Cells Int. 2011, published online May 2011, Article ID 943216, (2011).
Marin, G. H., E. Mansilla, N. Mezzaroba, S. Zorzet, L. Nunez, G. Larsen, J. M. Tau, A. Maceira, R. Spretz, C. Mertz, S. Ingrao, C. Tripodo, F. Tedesco, and P. Macor. “Exploratory study on the effects of biodegradable nanoparticles with drugs on malignant B cells and on a human/mouse model of Burkitt lymphoma”, Curr Clin Pharmacol 5, 246 (2010).
M. Skotak and G. Larsen, "Visible Light Absorbing Biocompatible Oligomers Based on L-lactide and Aminosugars: Preparation and Characterization", Polymer Int. 59, 1331–1338 (2010).
M. Skotak, S. Noriega, G. Larsen and A. Subramanian, “Electrospun Cross-linked Gelatin Fibers with Controlled Diameter: The Effect of Matrix Stiffness on Proliferative and Biosynthetic Activity of Chondrocytes Cultured in Vitro”, J. Biomed. Mat. Res. A. 95A, 828-836 (2010).
M. Skotak and G. Larsen, "Visible Light Absorbing Biocompatible Oligomers Based on L-lactide and Aminosugars: Preparation and Characterization", Polymer Int. 59, 1331-1338 (2010).