Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1969
- M.S. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1968
- B.S. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1966
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- The connections of ionic equilibrium and reaction kinetics to the processing of precious metals ores
- The use of cyanide in the processing of gold ores
- "Green" chemistry and sustainable development connected with minerals exploitation
Research Profiles:
About James Hendrix
Dr. Hendrix was appointed Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1995. He had previously spent more than twenty five years at the University of Nevada-Reno. His current and past research interests reflect the long tenure at an institutions of higher learning located in the western United States.
Selected Publications
- J.L. Hendrix, Sustainable Agricultural Practices Impact on Phosphate rock production. Procedia Engineering, Vol. 46, pp 54-61, 2012.
- J.L. Hendrix, Sustainability: Inorganic and/or Organmic Phosphate?, Beneficiation of Phosphates: New Thought, New Technology, New development, pp267-274, P. Zhang, J. Miller and H. El-Shall, editors, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Englewood, Colorado, 2012. ISBN 978-0-87335-358-8, Ebook 978-0-87335-359-5.
- C.B. Gengenbach and J.L. Hendrix, “The New Sustainable Source for Phosphorous Fertilizer?” in Beneficiation of Phosphates: Technology Advance and Adoption, P.Zhang, K. Swager, L.L. Filho and H.El-Shall, editors, pp 133-137, Society of Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 2010.
- J. Hendrix, “Precious Metals Extraction Methods for a Sustainable World,” (Plenary Lecture), Proceedings of the XIII Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Petrosani: Focus, Bucurest, Vol. I, pp. 14-23, 2009.
- J.C. Wilmot, E.B. Milosavljevic, L. Solujic, and J.L. Hendrix, “Fate of Cyanide in Gold Ores Containing Reduced Sulphur Minerals,” Proceedings of XXIV International Mineral Processing Congress, Beijing, China, Science Press, Beijing, pp. 2958-2964, 2008.
- Wilmot, J., Milosavljevic, E., Solujic, L., and Hendrix, J., “Chemistry of Cyanide in the Presence of Arsenic Sulfide Species,” Proceedings of the XII Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Delphi, Greece, National Technical University of Athens, pp. 465-470, 2007.
- Wilmot, J., Milosavljevic, E., Solujic, L., and Hendrix, J., “Chemistry of Cyanide in the Presence of Reduced Sulfur Species,” Proceedings of XXIII International Mineral Processing Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-8 September, Promed Advertising Limited (Istanbul), 3, pp. 2141-2146, 2006.
Favorite Publications by Decade:
- 70’s
Comanor, P. L., Deguire, M. F., and Hendrix, J. L., “Effects of Previous Tailings Disposal on Upper Sonoran Vegetation of the Getchell Area,” Trans, AIME, pp. 240-242, Sept. 1974.
- First environmental studies in cooperation with industry regarding gold mine tailings - 80’s
Pyper, R. A., and Hendrix, J. L., “Extraction of Gold from Finely Disseminated Gold Ores by Use of Acidic Thioruea Solution," Extraction Metallurgy ’81, the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1981.
- Paper essentially ended the idea of thiourea being a realistic substitute for cyanide in the extraction of gold. - 90’s
Dixon, D. G., and Hendrix, J. L., “Theoretical Basis for Variable Order Assumption in the Kinetics of Leaching of Discrete Grains,” AICHE J., 39, No. 5, pp. 904-907, 1993.
- One of four papers describing modeling of leaching multiple reactants from porous ore particles - 00’s
J.C. Wilmot, E.B. Milosavljevic, L. Solujic, and J.L. Hendrix, “Fate of Cyanide in Gold Ores Containing Reduced Sulphur Minerals,” Proceedings of XXIV International Mineral Processing Congress, Beijing, China, Science Press, Beijing, pp. 2958-2964, 2008
- Last of a series of papers describing the interactions of cyanide and sulfur species in the leaching of gold ores. - 10’s
C.B. Gengenbach and J.L. Hendrix, “The New Sustainable Source for Phosphorous Fertilizer?” in Beneficiation of Phosphates: Technology Advance and Adoption, P.Zhang, K. Swager, L.L. Filho and H.El-Shall, editors, pp 133-137, Society of Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 2010.
- Second paper written on a change in research interests