Materials Testing

Sponsor: Nebraska Department of Roads Lincoln, Nebraska
The objective of this testing was to evaluate the freeze-thaw resistance of high performance concrete (HPC) using high volume of Class C fly ash. The test was conducted according to ASTM C666-84. The test specimens survived 302 cycles of freeze and thaw cycles without failure.

Sponsor: ISG Resources, Houston, Texas
The objective of this project was to evaluate the shrinkage and creep characteristics of the Dynastone concrete mixes for concrete pipe production. Demac points and mechanical strain gages were used to determine the deformation. Compressed springs were used to apply a given loading for the creep test.

Sponsor: Kansas Structural Composites, Inc. Russell, Kansas
The objective of this test was to determine the tensile strength of a fiber-reinforced polymer material, which was used for the hiking-biking walkway of a pedestrian bridge. The fiber-reinforced polymer honeycomb panels were made of polyester resin matrix and reinforced with E-glass fibers. The average tensile strength of the material was about 20 ksi.

Sponsor: Nebraska Department of Roads Lincoln, Nebraska
The objective of this test was to determine the permeability of a conductive concrete mix containing steel fibers and steel shavings. Specimens were individually placed inside a moisture-free dessicator (using desiccant) in a temperature-controlled box. A steady-state water flew through the concrete specimen under gravity was measured, and the weight loss per unit time of each specimen was recorded. The permeability of the conductive concrete was measured to be 0.004~0.007 cm3/sec.