College Announces First-Quarter Top Grantees

Calendar Icon Dec 12, 2007      Person Bust Icon By Carole Wilbeck | Engineering     RSS Feed  RSS Submit a Story

Faculty who were recognized at the inaugural breakfast included Joseph Turner, Laurence Rilett, Bing Chen, Hamid Sharif-Kashani and Carl Nelson. They are pictured with Dean David Allen.
Faculty who were recognized at the inaugural breakfast included Joseph Turner, Laurence Rilett, Bing Chen, Hamid Sharif-Kashani and Carl Nelson. They are pictured with Dean David Allen.

This quarter's top grant recipients and their awards are:

Bing Chen, computer and electronics engineering - "Silicon Prairie Initiative on Robotics in IT (Phase II)," National Science Foundation.

Yuris Dzenis, Joseph Turner and Ruquiang Feng, engineering mechanics - "NIRT: Nanomanufacturing and Analysis of Active Hierarchical Nanofilamentary Nanostructures," National Science Foundation.

Shane Farritor, mechanical engineering; Carl Nelson, mechanical engineering; Hamid Sharif-Kashani, computer and electronics engineering; and Joseph Turner, engineering mechanics - "Track Stability Assessment and Data Transmission," U.S. Department of Transporation.

Laurence Rilett, civil engineering - "Region 7 University Transportation Center," U.S. Department of Transportation.

William Velander and Kevin Van Cott, chemical and biomolecular engineering - "cGMP Recombinant FIX and Oral Hemphilia B Therapy," Department of Health and Human Services National Heart Lung and Blood Institute.

Brent Wilson, mechanical engineering, and Joseph Turner, engineering mechanics - "Development of Improved Product Performance Through Optimization and Modeling of Engineering Materials, Processing, and Function," Brenco/Amsted Industries.

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