College of Engineering Staff Alternative Worksite Arrangements Policy

Revised effective July 1, 2023

The University of Nebraska and College of Engineering Alternative Worksite Arrangements Policies embrace a flexible work environment with appropriate parameters. At the same time, our policies make a clear statement about the value of an in-person, vibrant campus culture – something our students expect and deserve, and which is crucial to the overall success of the university. See University of Nebraska System HR-03: Alternative Worksite Policy effective January 1, 2023.

The purpose of the COE  policy is to describe specific College alterative workplace arrangements expectations, along with COE request and approval processes. More information on University Alternative Worksite Arrangements can be found here. University and COE policies apply to all administrative, managerial/professional, office/service, and student employees holding regular, temporary, or on-call appointments.

  1. The COE requires each department/team/group to have some in-person attendance/coverage during all regular business hours as determined by the Chair/Director/Supervisor.
  2. Eligible employees are identified by the employee’s Chair/Director/Supervisor as being suitable (e.g. consistent performer, work lends itself to remote completion with no reduction in productivity or efficiency for the employee or co-workers).
  3. Chair/Director/Supervisor is responsible for maintaining productivity and efficiency for the department/team/group as the result of any supervised employees having approved alternative worksite arrangements.
  4. COE employees are not to be scheduled to work remotely on Mondays and Fridays. Requests for alternative worksite arrangements submitted via Firefly should clearly note in the explanation section the employee’s work schedule including days of the week to be worked remotely.
  5. Alternative worksite arrangements in the COE will be reviewed and approved annually by the Chair/Director/Supervisor and the Dean for the period preferably August 1 through July 31 of the following year. If COE employees begin work in the college after August 1 (of any year) or wish to begin remote work after August 1, they should assume the request will be in effect until July 31 of the following year. COE employees will then submit requests for alternative worksite arrangements on an annual basis for the period beginning August 1 of each year.
  6. All COE employee requests for alternative worksite arrangements are to be submitted via Firefly per University procedure, must be approved by the Chair/Director/Supervisor, and delegated to the Dean for final approval. See Submission of Alternative Worksite Requests Via Firefly – Instructions for College of Engineering (COE) Staff and Supervisors for additional information.
  7. Employees with approved alternative worksite arrangements are asked to forward approval messages to COE HR Specialist-Lead Cathy Norquest at This will allow COE HR to maintain a current record of employees who have approved annual alternative worksite arrangements. If employees wish to end their alternative worksite arrangements, they or their supervisors are encouraged to notify COE HR accordingly.
  8. COE employees with approved alternative worksite arrangements are encouraged to note their remote work days of the week in their email signature and out-of-office voice mail message, and to place a sign on their office door or in their work area indicating their remote work days.
  9. In the event employees change positions in the COE or are assigned a new supervisor in the college, they should communicate with their new supervisor regarding their previously-approved alternative worksite arrangements.