Contact -
Ufuk Kilic
Department - Electrical & Computer Engineering
Department - Electrical & Computer Engineering
Students Needed:
• Graduate
• Undergraduate
• Graduate
• Undergraduate
We are currently seeking highly motivated students (at both undergraduate and graduate levels) who will join the Complex Materials Optics Network (CMON). If you are an exceptional candidate with an interest in electromagnetics, plasmonics, optics, or photonics, please contact me:
Previous experience in design, fabrication, and characterization of metamaterial platforms is desired. The further experiences on the following areas are plus:
Previous experience in design, fabrication, and characterization of metamaterial platforms is desired. The further experiences on the following areas are plus:
- Fabrication of different nanomaterial systems using glancing angle /atomic layer/sputtering deposition methods, as well as lithography techniques
- Generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry based optical characterization technique
- Computational electromagnetic simulation codes (FDTD, FEM) or software packages (COMSOL, Lumerical, CST).