Calendar Icon Jun 14, 2007 Person Bust Icon By Ashley Washburn | UComm RSS Submit a Story
College is a big change. You're going to a new place filled with people you don't know, taking classes in subjects you're unfamiliar with, and studying in buildings spread across several square miles. That's why we have the Nebraska Undergraduates Becoming Engineers (N.U.B.E.) camp for freshmen and transfer students. At this overnight retreat, you'll meet the classmates and professors with whom you'll spend the next four years of your life. With a ready-made support system, you won't feel like a newbie for long.
At the 2007 N.U.B.E. Camp you'll have the opportunity to do the following:
- Meet your engineering classmates
- Meet engineering faculty and staff
- Learn about campus resources
- Get invaluable advice from current students and faculty
- Participate in challenging activities that will inspire you on your college journey
- Have fun!
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