For Web forms, we are able to assign one person as an owner of the form who is able to view the results. We are also able to send form submissions via email to many recipients as you wish.
If you are the owner of a Web form and would like to view results, please follow these steps:
If you are the owner of a Web form and would like to view results, please follow these steps:
- Go to your Web Form page
- Click on the “My.UNL Login” on top of the page to the left of the search box, and use your UNL Login and Password
- Once you are logged in, Click on the Results button on the top right corner of the page.
Once You Are Logged Into the Form:
- Click on the "Results" tab
- The "Table" tab will allow you to view results
- The "Download" tab will allow you to download the results to an Excel file