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Oct 21, 2011
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By Carole Wilbeck | Engineering
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Jerry Hudgins, Ph.D., department chair and professor of electrical engineering, was elected to the board of directors of the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology. The 400,000-plus member association provides publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities in 10 geographic regions worldwide through its 45 technical societies and councils. Hudgins will serve as Division II delegate-elect in 2012 and as director in 2013.
Hudgins joined the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as chair of theElectrical Engineering Department in 2004. He is also director of the Nebraska Wind Applications Center and interim director of the institution-level Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research. His work involves power electronic device modeling, thermal performance, power electronics design, and renewable energy. He is a Fellow of IEEE, has published more than 120 technical papers, and works with numerous industries. Hudgins also serves on the Board of Directors of Lincoln Electric System.
Within IEEE, Hudgins has been president of two of the division’s member societies, served as society treasurer, and has been a member of the Fellows Evaluation Committee and the Technical Activities Board/Publication Services and Products Board. He also served as general chair for the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting and the Power Electronics Specialists Conference. He is a strong supporter of the UNL Electrical Engineering Department’s student IEEE chapter as well.
Hudgins’s goals for IEEE Division II are to continue to provide and enhance the value and innovations of the IEEE technical societies to young professionals, new graduates, and small businesses through membership, conferences and publications.
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