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Aug 27, 2021
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Nine members of the Nebraska Engineering commuinity have been named winners of weekly prizes in the University of Nebraska–Lincoln's voluntary COVID-19 Vaccine Registry giveaway.
Jenna Huttenmaier, academic adviser in Computer Science and Engineering, won the grand prize - a trip for two with Chancellor Ronnie Green and his wife, Jane, to the August 2022 Husker football game in Dublin, Ireland.
Bonnie Martin, director of the College of Engineering's scholar programs, was chosen as the staff winner in the first drawing on July 13 and received a reserved parking spot for a year.
Six Nebraska Engineering students and one staff member have also been named as winners of prizes in the weekly drawings:
- Benjamin Cook, (semester of monthly 60-minute massages at Campus Recreation)
- Finn Nebel, (Husker gear)
- Mohammed Riaz Ur Rehman, (Husker gear)
- Matthew Romer, (semester of weekly 60-minute massages)
- Ayden Uerling, (weekly Dairy Store ice cream for two)
- Marilyn Augustyn, (semester of monthly massages)
- Eric Schlautman, (Husker gear)
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s voluntary vaccine registry and related giveaways are open to all undergraduate, graduate and professional-degree seeking students, as well as faculty and staff.
Weekly prizes are being awarded through Aug. 13. Grand prize drawings — which feature (for five students) a cash award worth one year of resident undergraduate tuition and fees, and (for employees) a trip for two to Ireland to see the Huskers play Northwestern in 2022 — are scheduled for Aug. 15.
Weekly prize winners are contacted via email on Fridays.
Learn more about the vaccination registry and giveaways here. Details on how to get vaccinated are available here.
Additional details about the university’s plans to return to primarily in-person, full-capacity instruction are available on the COVID-19 website.
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