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Apr 09, 2009
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By J.S. Engebretson | Engineering
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The first "Workshop to Integrate Industry into the Educational Setting" in April at The Durham School was a success, with approximately 80 students and industry leaders participating in this initiative. Apprentice students from Omaha Joint Electrical Apprenticeship and Training Center attended the sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday. Durham School students attended all sessions.
The workshop series provided Durham School students, apprentice students, industry and faculty to work together in different areas. Industry mentors included Steve Burgess, DLR; Jeff Sobczyk, DLR; Dan Smith, Electric Company of Omaha; Dr. Terry Haack, Bennington Public Schools; Ed Rockwell, Millard Public Schools; Dave Rosacker, Rosacker & Associates; Timothy Koch, HDR; Doug Alvine, Alvine Engineering; Doug Nelsen, Leo A Daly; Roger Knobe, Miller Electric; Martin Conroy, Tier 4 Data Center Group; Michael Fontaine, Cornhusker Energy; Joe Brudney, DLR; Ed Karnish, Omaha Joint Electrical Apprenticeship and Training Center; Fred Bender, Electrical Education; and Dr. Thomas E. Glavinich, University of Kansas. Professor Alahmad plans to implement the workshop series as an annual event for The Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction.
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