Engineering alum makes most of Omaha District professional development

Industry Communications: Fall 2023

Adam Nebelsick
Adam Nebelsick

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently profiled Adam Nebelsick, a mechanical engineer in the Corps of Engineers Omaha District and a 2022 graduate of the College of Engineering. The profile is part of a peek into employee career development opportunities featured on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District webpage.

Nebelsick was born and raised in Omaha but lived in Huntsville, Alabama as a teenager for five years where his father worked for the Army Corps of Engineers’ Huntsville District, fueling the passion for his future career path as a mechanical fuels engineer with the Fuels Systems Mandatory Center.

He looks forward to becoming a licensed professional engineer while continuing professional development opportunities with the Army Corps of Engineers like developing his career around inspections, including a certified American Petroleum Institute pressure vessel inspector, piping inspector, or an aboveground storage tank inspector.

Read more about Nebelsick’s U.S. Army Corps of Engineers profile.