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May 09, 2013
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By Carole Wilbeck | Engineering
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The UNL College of Engineering celebrated Spring 2013 commencement in ceremonies at Lincoln and Omaha campuses, May 3-4, with several honors prominent.
At the college’s Student Recognition event in Lincoln, May 3, the Nebraska Engineering community cheered as graduating seniors were called forward by department while their accomplishments were read to an audience of family and friends in UNL’s City Campus Union auditorium.
Outstanding departmental seniors were announced, including: Agricultural Engineering--Adam Emanuel and Noel Menard, Biological Systems Engineering--Monica Krause and Dana Becker, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering--Austin Peterson, Civil Engineering--Caleb Peterson, Computer Science & Engineering--Carson Crawford, Construction Management--Taylor Shapland, Electrical Engineering--Noah Dorcey, Industrial & Management Systems Engineering--Danielle Simpson and Mechanical & Materials Engineering--Bethany Drain.
Winning the college’s top overall awards for graduating seniors were Industrial & Management Systems Engineering students Jessica Blunk (Schewe Engineering Leadership Award) and Danielle Simpson (OJ Fergusion Outstanding Senior).
The next day, during College of Engineering commencement in Omaha, outstanding senior honors went to: Architectural Engineering – Peter Uhing, Civil Engineering – Alexa Bledsoe, Computer Engineering – Brayden Kelly, Construction Engineering – Levi Hawkins, Construction Management – Amanda Zimmerman and Electronics Engineering – Stephen Dodds.
Congratulations to all of the UNL College of Engineering’s newest alumni! View more photos from the college’s Lincolnand Omaha festivities. Find out summer and future plans of Nebraska Engineering students and graduates.
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