September 27, 2010 - <span>A team of UNL software engineering researchers has earned a nearly $4 million grant from the U.S. Air Force's Office of Scientific Research for a project to help the Air Force find and fix faults in modern military systems.</span>
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September 24, 2010 - <span>The UNL Mid-America Transportation Center hosted its first annual MATC Scholars Program, Sept. 23-24, to recruit undergraduate students studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics to graduate studies.</span>
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September 14, 2010 - <span>With new funding from the Mintaka Foundation of Medical Research, UNL's Biological Process Development Facility i</span><span>s developing a process to manufacture a microbicide to protect women from contracting and spreading HIV.</span>
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August 30, 2010 - <span>UNL engineers and architects are partnering with University of Florida researchers, home builders and remodelers, and other businesses on research to develop and improve technologies for making American homes more energy efficient.</span>
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July 30, 2010 - <span>Mehmet Can Vuran, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln computer engineer, wants to give agricultural producers more information to make that decision.</span>
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June 20, 2010 - <span>The UNL College of Engineering’s Construction Management program received a $405,741 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop training curriculum for veterans to gain jobs ensuring energy efficiency in buildings.</span>
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May 17, 2010 - Lance Pérez, an associate professor of electrical engineering, has accepted appointment as an associate vice chancellor for academic affairs.
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May 06, 2010 - <span>A multi-year dream is coming true for the UNL chapter of Engineers Without Borders, as a team departs May 11 for a remote village in Madagascar to work on projects that improve lives as well as the habitat for endangered species.</span>
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May 04, 2010 - <span>National Semiconductor Corp. has honored University of Nebraska-Lincoln alumnus Brian L. Halla with a named student fellowship fund for the College of Engineering.</span>
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April 30, 2010 - Ceen Senior Design Showcase
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