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Sep 12, 2022
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Ten first-year students have been chosen to the second cohort of the Kiewit Scholars Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering. More than 170 applications were received for the 2022-23 academic year cohort.
The Kiewit Scholars Program at Nebraska invests in students with exceptional leadership potential to develop preeminent Complete Engineers® who are ready and eager to solve problems of global significance. Through a curated four-year program paired with a Big Ten degree, students will gain the skills and knowledge they need to become world-class engineers and leaders.
The program is funded and developed in partnership with Peter Kiewit & Sons, one of North America's largest and most respected construction and engineering organizations, headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska.
Students selected for the 2022-23 cohort, with their hometowns:
Adam Algahimi, Lincoln, Nebraska
Nick Ehlers, Columbus, Nebraska
Julia Graves, Maple Grove, Minnesota
Tahj Hollingsworth, Omaha, Nebraska
Miriam Huss, Fremont, Nebraska
Bradyn Koegel, Ashland, Nebraska
Meghan Murphy, Chicago, Illinois
Maverick Naughtin, Sutherland, Nebraska
Caden Nelsen, Papillion, Nebraska
Antonia Riquelme, San Antonio, Texas
The Kiewit Scholars will experience exclusive courses focused on leadership development, special group activities, unique travel opportunities, unparalleled exposure to industry, and mentorship from professional leaders.
As part of the scholarship, Kiewit Scholars will receive a full-tuition, four-year scholarship and book stipend for up to $750 per semester at the university bookstore, one year room and board, and a study abroad stipend of up to $2,500. Additional benefits include two all-expenses-paid, immersive learning trips, and a specially crafted internship at Kiewit.
The employee-owned Kiewit Corporation's roots date back to 1884, and now operates through a network of offices and projects in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Australia. Kiewit offers construction and engineering services in such markets as transportation, water/wastewater, power, oil, gas and chemical, building, and mining, and employs more than 20,000 staff and craft employees.
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