
Jodi Sangster, a post-doc civil engineer specializing in environmental engineering, takes a water sample from a well spigot near Martell, Nebraska, July 1. (Craig Chandler / University Communication)
July 08, 2019 - Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, professor of civil engineering, is seeking citizen scientists to conduct water tests in August for a program that’s aiming to track water quality across the state, while also keeping Nebraskans safe.  Full Story

Angie Pannier, professor of biological systems engineering, was awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
July 08, 2019 - Angie Pannier, professor of biological systems engineering, is one of two University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers chosen to receive the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers.  Full Story

Qing Hui
June 20, 2019 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor Qing Hui and graduate research assistant Qishuai Liu were finalists for the best paper at the 14th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics & Applications in Xian, China June 19-21.  Full Story

Dr. Sohrab Asgarpoor, associate dean for undergraduate programs, accepted the ASEE Excellence in Engineering for Veterans Award for the College of Engineering.
June 19, 2019 - The College of Engineering is among three institutions recognized for “Excellence in Engineering for Veterans” by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Military Engineering Awards Committee.  Full Story

Yi Qian was honored at the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications in May in Shanghai, China for being named an IEEE Fellow.
June 11, 2019 - Yi Qian, professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was recognized at the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications in May in Shanghai, China for being named an IEEE Fellow in late 2018.  Full Story

Quarter-scale tractor competition champions
June 05, 2019 - Nebraska team wins the 2018 ASBE International Quarter-Scale Tractor Student Design Competition for the second time.  Full Story

Erica Ryherd, associate professor of architectural engineering.
May 30, 2019 - Nebraska Engineering research that shows quieter environments in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) may result in better health outcomes for infants has been creating quite an unexpected buzz.  Full Story

Wei Qiao, professor and graduate chair of electrical and computer engineering.
May 29, 2019 - A new technology developed by Nebraska engineers Wei Qiao and Xiang Gong can help detect faults in wind turbines more quickly and cost effectively.  Full Story

Wieslaw Szydlowski, associate professor of mechanical and materials engineering, died May 18, 2019. He was 81. (University Communication photo)
May 29, 2019 - Wieslaw Szydlowski, associate professor emeritus of mechanical and materials engineering who taught engineering for more than 50 years, passed away May 18. He was 81.  Full Story