
Robert "Bob" Williams, the vice chancellor for research and economic development and Kate Foster Professor of mechanical and materials engineering, has been named a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.
December 12, 2018 - Robert “Bob” Wilhelm, vice chancellor for research and economic development and professor of mechanical and materials engineering, and Lyle Middendorf, a 1973 electrical engineering graduate, were named fellows of the National Academy of Inventors.  Full Story

The College of Engineering honored 38 faculty for their good works during the 2018 Research Celebration, held Nov. 1 at the Van Brunt Center.
December 10, 2018 - On Nov. 1, the College of Engineering celebrated the research activities of faculty during the 2018 Research Celebration at the Van Brunt Center. Honored faculty were nominated by their unit administrators.  Full Story

Grisel Ramirez, a 2017 construction management graduate, earned the 2018 Staff Award from Turner Construction.
December 10, 2018 - Grisel Ramirez, a 2017 construction management graduate and founder and former president of Women in Construction Management Club, has earned the 2018 Staff Award from Turner Construction.  Full Story

Fariba Aghabaglou (left) and Dominic Nguyen took first place Dec. 3 at the Engineering Pitch Challenge.
December 07, 2018 - Fariba Aghabaglou (graduate and faculty) and Dominic Nguyen (undergraduate) took first place Dec. 3 in the inaugural Engineering Pitch Challenge.  Full Story

Tim Wentz, associate professor of construction management, is retiring after "exactly 25 years" in the College of Engineering.
November 30, 2018 - As he nears retirement after "exactly 25 years," native Nebraskan and construction management faculty member Tim Wentz feels blessed to have had a unique career at the university and the college he attended.  Full Story

Siavash Jafarzadeh, Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, presented his research on Peridynamic Modeling of Intergranular Corrosion Damage at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers: International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in early November.
November 30, 2018 - The College of Engineering has awarded 14 graduate students each a $500 conference travel grant to help support their attendance at a technical conference where they are either presenting a technical paper or poster.  Full Story

Yi Qian, professor of electrical and computer engineering.
November 28, 2018 - Yi Qian, professor of electrical and computer engineering, has been named an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) Fellow.  Full Story

Timothy Koch, vice president and engineering principal at HDR Inc., discusses "Industry Challenges - Design, Construction and Operation of SBIoT Systems" during the Smart Building and Internet of Things workshop on Nov. 9 at Scott Conference Center.
November 20, 2018 - The first Smart Building and Internet of Things (SBIoT) workshop, hosted on Nov. 9 by the Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction, focused on finding ways to integrate smart technologies into buildings.  Full Story

Scarlett Miller, who has both bachelor's and master's degrees in industrial engineering from Nebraska, is an associate professor of engineering design and industrial engineering at Pennsylvania State University. Recently, she was Penn State's guest football coach for a home game against Appalachian State.
November 20, 2018 - Scarlett Miller, who has both bachelor's and master's degrees in industrial engineering from Nebraska, is an associate professor of engineering design and industrial engineering at Penn State. Recently, she was PSU's guest football coach for a home game a  Full Story

Carrick Detwiler (left) and Clarence Waters are among the six University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty chosen for named and university professorships from the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor.
November 16, 2018 - Engineering faculty Carrick Detwiler and Clarence Waters are among the six Univeristy of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty chosen to receive named and university professorships from the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor.  Full Story