
Ron Faller (left), director of the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility and research professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, received the Kenneth A. Stonex Award for lifetime contributions to roadside safety during the 99th Annual Transportation Research Board meeting in Washington, D.C.
January 31, 2020 - Ronald Faller, director of the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility, received the 2020 Kenneth A. Stonex Roadside Safety Award for lifetime contributions to roadside safety, leading a big harvest of awards for Nebraska transportation researchers.  Full Story

At team co-led by Greg Bashford, professor of biological systems engineering, has developed technology that can simulate the blood flow to areas of the body generally impacted by ischemic strokes.
January 27, 2020 - A team of Nebraska researchers, co-led by Greg Bashford, professor of biological systems engineering, has developed technology that can simulate the blood flow to areas of the body that are generally impacted by an ischemic stroke.  Full Story

A team led by Carrick Detweiler, associate professor of computer science and engineering, spent five years developing, testing and modifying dozens of drone designs specifically for fire management.
January 27, 2020 - A team led by Carrick Detweiler, associate professor of computer science and engineering, spent five years developing, testing and modifying dozens of drone designs specifically for fire management.  Full Story

Two engineering faculty - Mark Wilkins, professor of biological systems engineering, and Srivatsan Kidambi, associate professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, are among the 25 chosen for UNL's second year of FLAIR.
January 27, 2020 - Engineering faculty Mark Wilkins and Srivatsan Kidambi are among the 25 UNL faculty chosen by the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor to participate in the second year of the Faculty Leadership in Academia: From Inspiration to Reality program.  Full Story

Sally Wei
January 23, 2020 - Less than 20% of professional engineers are women. The historically male-dominated profession has trouble attracting and recruiting females, but that could be changing. Introduce a Girl To Engineering Day is set for Sat, Jan 25 at UNL's Innovation Campus.  Full Story

Nebraska engineers Peter and Eli Sutter have shown that sulfur can enhance the properties of van der Waals heterostructures that could improve technological offerings, including emergent electronic or optical properties, greater speed, and/or more functionality in less space.
January 15, 2020 - Nebraska engineers Peter and Eli Sutter have shown that sulfur can enhance the properties of van der Waals that could improve technological offerings, including emergent electronic or optical properties, greater speed and more functionality in less space.  Full Story

A robotic pneumatic jackhammer is used for demolition of a stairwell on the north side of Scott Engineering Center.
January 10, 2020 - Since the teardown of the Link began late in Fall Semester 2019, the physical signs of change and growth are much easier to see around the College of Engineering’s City Campus complex. Follow this blog to keep up-to-date with on the project.  Full Story

Mary Radke, a senior mechanical engineering major, won first place in the undergraduate category at the Dec. 12 Engineering Pitch Competition. The competition was hosted by the College of Engineering, NUtech Ventures and the National Strategic Research Institute and featured engineering-based business pitches from 16 teams.
December 20, 2019 - Mechanical and materials engineering student Mary Radke won the Dec. 12 NUtech Ventures Engineering Pitch Competition undergraduate division with a design for a wheelchair that makes vehicular travel less difficult for its users.  Full Story

Angelica Solomon, a second-generation collegian, hopes to use her Nebraska Engineering degree to give back to Nebraska and the Winnebago community. (Craig Chandler / University Communication)
December 20, 2019 - Anjelica Solomon, who graduates Dec. 21, is looking to use her civil engineering degree and the "Great Voice" she discovered as a Nebraska Engineering student to give back to the Winnebago Tribe and Nebraska.  Full Story

Holiday lights are beautiful, but they also sap power. Estimates from the Department of Energy indicate Americans' holiday light use burns 6.6 billion kilowatt-hours annually–enough to fuel more than 800,000 homes for a year.
December 17, 2019 - Holiday lights are beautiful, but they also sap power. Jerry Hudgins, chair of electrical and computer engineering, said there are ways to lessen the load and still have a beautiful display.  Full Story