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Aug 11, 2022
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School of Computing Director Marilyn Wolf has been honored with the 2022 IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award.
Wolf was presented with the award at the 2022 Design Automation Conference (DAC), held in San Francisco July 10-13.
The Kirchmayer Award recognizes inspirational teaching of graduate students in the IEEE fields of interest. President of IEEE CEDA (Council on Electronic Design Automation) and IBM researcher Gi-Joon Nam said it was a great honor to present Wolf with one of IEEE's most prestigious technical field awards on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors.
"Prof. Wolf truly deserves this award considering that she created a community of researchers and practitioners in embedded computing through education, outreach, and research," Nam said.
After the awards ceremony, Wolf presented a companion technical talk titled, "Co-Design for Edge Intelligence: Perception, Control, Computing."
"It was a truly outstanding technical talk highlighting today's state-of-the-art research works from her research group," Nam said. "After her talk, one member of the audience approached her and said, 'Prof. Wolf, you're the reason that I applied for the Ph.D. program in computer science.' To me, this is the finest evidence that Prof. Wolf deserves this award."
Wolf said she is proud to be recognized with such a prestigious award and to have positively impacted so many students.
"I am truly humbled," Wolf said. "I have worked with many graduate students over the years and I continue to meet students who have read my work and are happy to meet me. These students are my professional legacy."
Marilyn Wolf is an Elmer E. Koch Professor of Engineering and was the chair of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from 2019 to 2021. She is now the founding director of the university's new School of Computing. Her research interests include cyber-physical systems, Internet-of-Things, embedded computing, embedded computer vision, and VLSI systems. Previously, she has also received the IEEE Computer Society Goode Memorial Award, the ASEE Terman Award, and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Education Award. She is a Fellow of the IEEE and ACM and a Golden Core member of IEEE Computer Society.
For nearly a century, the IEEE Awards Program has paid tribute to technical professionals whose exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions have made a lasting impact on technology, society, and the engineering profession. Each year the IEEE Awards Board recommends a select group of recipients to receive IEEE's most prestigious honors.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is the world's largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology. IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted "voice" for engineering, computing, and technology information around the globe.
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