Patrick L. Pope joined
NPPD in December 1979 as
an Electrical Engineer and
has also held the positions
of Distribution Planning
Engineer, District Operations
Superintendent, Regional
Operations Superintendent,
Regional Manager, Energy
Control Center Manager
and Vice President of
Transmission Services.
He was appointed Vice President of Energy Delivery
in October 2003. In November 2004, Pope was
named Vice President of Energy Supply. In January
2008 he was appointed Vice President & Chief
Operating Officer. In April 2011, he was appointed
President & CEO. He left NPPD in 2020.
He is the current Chairman of the Large Public Power
Council, a member of The Energy Authority Board of
Directors, and is the Executive Sponsor for AFFORD
(Alliance for Fuel Options, Reliability and Diversity).
Pope also serves on the boards of the Nebraska
Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Columbus
Airport Board of Commissioners. He is a registered
Professional Engineer in the State of Nebraska.