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Nov 22, 2017
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By Karl Vogel
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More than 40 researchers, ranging from senior researchers to both graduate and undergraduate students, were featured on Friday during the third-annual Mechanical and Materials Engineering Research Fair.
The event, which was spread throughout the first floors of Scott Engineering Center and Othmer Hall, is a showcase of research being performed in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. It also affords undergraduate students the opportunity to learn about graduate programs in that department, programs such as: Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Materials Engineering and Biomedical Engineering.
Researchers presented their posters and were on hand to explain their research. Prizes were awarded in poster competitions for undergraduate- and graduate-student research.
First place
* Amber Stettnichs and Jacob Quint, "Effectiveness of Mechanical and Bioprosthetic Heart Valves in an Infant Setting"
First place
* Amir Monemian Esfahani, "On the Measurement of Energy Dissipation of Adherent Cells with the Quartz Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring"
Second place
* Dongyue Xie, "Realizgin strength-ductility combination of coarse-grained Al0.2Co1.5CrFeNi1.5Ti0.3 alloy via nano-sized, coherent precipitates"
Third place
* Fei Wang, "Microstructure-property relation in alumina ceramics during laser shock processing and post annealing"
Honorable mention
* Yue Sun, "Design and Development of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Based Sensor Deployment System for Soft Substrates"
Siavash Jafarzadeh, "Peridynamic Modeling of Intergranular Corrosion"
* Musa Norouzian, "Impacts of Digital Three-Dimensional Microstructures on Ultrasonic Modeling"
* Mingyu Gong, "Atomistic Simulations of Dislocation-Twin and Twin-Twin Interactions in Magnesium"
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