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Oct 29, 2019
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Kimberly Tedrow's poem, "Recent Angels," which was previously published in UNL's Prairie Schooner, will be set to music and performed at the Sheldon Museum of Art on Friday, Nov. 8 as part of the N150 Creative Week Celebration.
Her poem, along with three others, were selected from "Nebraska Presence: An Anthology of Poetry," which was the 2018 "One Book, One Nebraska" selection. The other poets are Stephen Behrendt, professor of English at UNL, Marilyn Dorf and Shirley Buettner.
"Nebraska Songbook," composed by Greg Simon, assistant professor of composition, will open the lecture with a discussion about the inspiration behind this piece.
This event is part of Nebraska Research Days Nov. 4-8 and will be held from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Sheldon Museum's Ethel S. Abbott Auditorium. The performance can also be viewed in a live webcast on Friday, Nov. 8 at 3:30 p.m.
Tedrow, data and materials coordinator for the Biological Process Development Facility, has a master's degree in creative writing from UNL in 2016.
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