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Oct 02, 2017
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Matthew Dwyer, Sebastian Elbaum and Gregg Rothermel, all professors of computer science and engineering, have been named to AMiner's Most Influential Scholars list for the field of software engineering.
With three winners, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln placed fifth in the software engineering category of AMiner’s Institutes of Winners list, which denotes the research institutes with the most award winners in each category.
Dwyer, chair of computer science and engineering, was listed as a Top 10 Most Influential Scholar and ranked fourth on the list overall.
Rothermel and Elbaum ranked 17th and 74th, respectively.
The AMiner list names the world's most-cited scholars from the top venues in respective fields as of 2016. Recipients are determined by a computer algorithm that tracks and ranks scholars based on citation counts. The software engineering list denotes the most cited scholars in all ICSE conferences, which are identified as the top venues of this field.
“We always strive to do work that will impact the field beyond our own interest,” said Dwyer. “This is a testament to the quality of the software engineering group and research collaboration among faculty and students at the university.”
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