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May 12, 2017
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Engineering students have been awarded 25 of the 88 stipends given out by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience (UCARE) Program for participation in research with a faculty mentor this summer.
UCARE supports undergraduates to work with faculty mentors in research or creative activities. Undergraduate students receive stipends of $2,400 to engage in intensive research or creative activity for 20 hours per week.
The following is a list of engineering students, by hometown, who received summer UCARE awards, with their academic major and project title:
Auburn: Tyler Barker, computer engineering, "International Genetically Engineered Machines Team."
Hadar: Matthew Penne, electrical engineering, "Flexible Wind Energy Turbine."
Hickman: Janelle Adams, biological systems engineering, "Characterization of Various Hydrogels Utilized for Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Sensor Delivery Platforms."
Lincoln: Shardhat Daggumati, chemical engineering, "Constructing a Genome-Scale Metabolic Model For Methylobacter"; Tony Le, chemical engineering, "Constructing a Genome-Scale Metabolic Model For Methylobacter"; Ahbab Murtoza, chemical engineering, "Synthesis of Metal Doped Ceria Catalysts for Catalyzing Organic Carbonate Reactions"; Phu Nguyen, biological systems engineering, "Exploring the Mechanical Effects of Cardiac Fibrosis"; Zvonimir Pusnik, mechanical engineering, "Nucleation and Crystallization of Small Droplets of Poly(3-hexylthiophene)"; Madison Royse, chemical engineering, "Nanoscale Understanding of Polymers for Sustainable Energy Applications."
Omaha: Ethan Brush, mechanical engineering, "Development of a Positively Engaged Mechanism to Approximate a Continuously Variable Transmission"; Nicholas Flaxbeard, chemical engineering, "International Genetically Engineered Machines Team"; Merrett Lane, biological systems engineering, "Micro-Hydropower Generation Along the Platte River"; Barbara Mullen, architectural engineering, "Feasibility and Efficiency Analysis of Cathodic Protection for Concrete Steel Reinforcement"; Daniel Rico, electrical engineering, "Determining Model Performance Across Versions in a Drought Forecast Environment"; Joseph Stapleton, biological systems engineering, "Characterization of Various Hydrogels Utilized for Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Sensor Delivery Platforms"; Kyle Wengel, mechanical engineering, "Practical Analysis of Mechanical Fasteners."
Sidney: Logan Uhlir, computer engineering, "International Genetically Engineered Machines Team."
Valley: Conner Lunn, biological systems engineering, "Digital Tools for Dust and Odor Nuisance Risk."
West Point: Blake Hass, biological systems engineering, "Characterization of Liver Endothelial Cells in a Mouse Model of Progressive Fatty Liver."
South Lyon, Michigan: Monica Houck, architectural engineering, "Feasibility and Efficiency Analysis of Cathodic Protection for Concrete Steel Reinforcement."
Lee's Summit, Missouri: Alexis Krepps, biological systems engineering, "International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM) Team"
Clarksboro, New Jersey: Alec Sery, civil engineering, "The Velatouri Tower in Attica, Greece: Greek Fortification Architecture in Classical and Hellenistic Borderlands."
Fargo, North Dakota: Tyler Johnson, chemical engineering, "Nanoscale Understanding of Polymers for Sustainable Energy Applications."
Rapid City, South Dakota: Drew Van Heuveln, electrical engineering, "Growth, Properties and Devices of Nanoscale Films and Wires Consisting of Layered Materials."
Kolkata, India: Sk Nasimul Gani, computer engineering, "Large-Scale Robot Community Capable of Self-Coordination."
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