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Mar 09, 2020
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The College of Engineering’s Christine Wittich, Hunter Flodman and Jiong Hu were chosen to receive prestigious awards given annually by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to faculty. They will receive the awards and be recognized at the University’s annual The Laurels awards reception on Sept. 17.
Wittich, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, is the sixth faculty member from the College of Engineering to be chosen to receive the Harold & Esther Edgerton Junior Faculty Award.
This honor is presented yearly to honor an outstanding junior faculty member who has demonstrated creative research, extraordinary teaching abilities, and academic promise. The award, given since 2001, includes a $5,000 award (a $3,000 professional development fund and $2,000 salary supplement) distributed over two years.
Flodman, assistant professor of practice in chemical and biomolecular engineering, and Hu, associate professor in civil and environmental engineering, were selected to receive the College Distinguished Teaching Award for excellence in teaching.
Annually, each college’s dean’s office recommends faculty for the Distinguished Teaching Award based upon procedures unique to that particular college. Up to 15 faculty are chosen to receive the award and a $1,000 stipend, which are presented each year across the University based on recommendations from the colleges. The College of Engineering supplements the College Distinguished Teaching Awards given to its faculty with an additional $1,500 award.
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