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Aug 10, 2021
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Marilyn Wolf, founding director of the School of Computing and Elmer E. Koch Professor of Engineering, has been chosen to receive the 2022 IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award for inspirational teaching of graduate students in the IEEE fields of interest.
Wolf, an IEEE Fellow, has enabled a new generation of researchers to conceptualize, build, and validate modern embedded computing systems through influential textbooks, high-impact conferences, and mentoring graduate students.
Wolf wrote one of the first textbooks in the field, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, as well as High-Performance Embedded Computing: Applications in Cyber-Physical Systems and Mobile Computing, which is geared specifically to graduate courses. She has helped to create many of the technical meetings and technical publications in the field, including Embedded Systems Week and the journal Design Automation for Embedded Systems, providing essential forums for graduate students.
She has also been named General Chair of the International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), the leading annual forum on research at the intersection of networked embedded sensing, control, and systems design (story). Wolf served as Technical Program Committee Co-Chair for IPSN 2020.
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