The Civil Engineering Industry Advisory Board consists of professional civil engineers representing the various disciplines areas of professional practice in civil engineering. The basic mission of the board is to provide guidance and advice to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department related to the maintenance of the academic and professional quality of the Civil and Environmental Engineering program, including accreditation. The board is a self-governing entity with an elected chair and vice-chair who coordinate the board's activities and meetings with the department; it meets twice annually.

Curricular Activities and ABET Subcommittee: S. Gilliland, M. Tondl, S. Goans
STEM Outreach Committee: N. Pridal, K. Schneweis, L. Connot
Development Subcommittee: D. Jacobson, D. Razavian, T. Wimmer

UNL Civil Engineering Advisory Board at the October 2016 meeting
October 2016 meeting. Left to right: Daryoush Razavian, Mark Lafferty, Dale Jacobson, Nancy Pridal, Todd Wimmer, Lindsey Connot, Kyle Schneweis, Dan Thiele, Steven Goans
UNL Civil Engineering Advisory Board at the March 2017 meeting
March 2017 meeting. Back row: Dale Jacobson, Steven Goans, Kyle Schneweis, Matthew Tondl, Todd Wimmer. Front row: Lindsey Connot, Nancy Pridal, Scott Gilliland, Daryoush Razavian.
UNL Civil Engineering Advisory Board at the October 2018 meeting
October 2018 meeting. Left to right: Katie Underwood, Matthew Tondl, Dan Thiele, Dale Jacobson, Steven Goans, Eric Seagren, Aemal Khattak.
UNL Civil Engineering Advisory Board at the March 2017 meeting
May 2024 meeting. Left to right: Ann Williams, Dan Thiele, Mike McIntosh, Steve Goans, Eric Seagren