Contact Information:
Prem S. Paul Research Center at Whittier School (WHIT)
Keith W. Klaasmeyer Chair of Engineering and Technology
Nebraska Transportation Center Director
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Transportation), University of Texas at Austin, 2005
- M.S. in Civil Engineering (Transportation), University of Texas at Austin, 1999
- B.S. in Civil Engineering, Temple University, 1996
- Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae (CV):
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Supply chain and logistics
- Intermodal freight terminal design and operations
- Connected and coordinated multimodal systems
- Infrastructure resiliency
- Transportation equity
- Pavement management systems
- Traffic safety
Research Profiles:
Honors and Awards
American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Sweet Sixteen High Value Research Award (2022) for SCDOT project entitled "Improving SCDOT Project Delivery through Identifying Potentially Suitable Locations for Mitigation and Standardizing Section 401/404 Permit Application Process."
ASCE South Carolina Section, Technical Contribution of the Year Award (2022) in recognition of "Improving SCDOT Project Delivery through Identifying Potentially Suitable Locations for Mitigation and Standardizing Section 401/404 Permit Application Process."
ASCE South Carolina Section, Outstanding Leadership Award (2021).
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology Editorial Board, Most Cited Article Award (2021) for paper entitiled “Factors influencing injury severity of crashes involving HAZMAT trucks” by M. Uddin and N. Huynh.
- American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Supplemental High Value Research Award (2020) for SCDOT project entitled "Sign Life Expectancy."
Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Modeling and Simulation Division, Best Paper Award (2020) for paper entitled "Prediction Model for Energy Consumption in Heavy-Duty Vehicle Formation" by M. Schmid, D. Liu, B. Eksioglu, N. Huynh, and G. Comert.
Selected Publications
- Wegmet, J., N. Huynh, L.V. Le, H.N. Duong, M.C. Chu, M. Madarshahian, and C. Siddiqui. Investigation of Discrepancies in South Carolina Traffic Collision Forms. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2024, Vol. 25, 101088. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trip.2024.101088.
Wang, J., G. Comert, N. Begashaw, N. Huynh, A. Kouyate, R. Mullen, S. Gassman, and C. Pierce. A Comparative Analysis of Three Modeling Approaches for Predicting Pavement Conditions. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2024, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981241234924.
Liu, D., B. Eksioglu, M. Schmid, N. Huynh, and Gurcan Comert. Decentralized Platoon Formation for a Fleet of Connected and Autonomous Trucks. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, Vol. 249, Part B, 123650. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2024.123650.
Ahmed, F, N. Huynh, W.G. Ferrell, V. Badyal, and B. Padmanabhan. Vehicle Re-routing under Disruption in Cross-Dock Network with Time Constraints. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024,
Vol. 237, Part B, 121517. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2023.121517. - Badyal, V. W.G. Ferrell, N. Huynh, and B. Padmanabhan. A Two-stage Stochastic Model for Intermodal Terminal Location and Freight Distribution under Facility Disruptions. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics, 2023, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2169055. https://doi.org/10.1080/23302674.2023.2169055.
- Padmanabhan, B., N. Huynh, W.G. Ferrell, and V. Badyal. Evaluation of Three Collaboration and Profit Sharing Methods for Carriers in Pickup-and-Delivery Problems. Multimodal Transportation, 2023, Vol. 2, No. 2, 100066. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.multra.2022.100066.
Recent Presentations
- "Design and Analysis of Collaborative Logistics," Northwestern University Transportation Center Seminar Series, Evanston, IL, October 19, 2023.
- "What, Why, and How of Transportation Equity," Nebraska ITE Student-Industry Meet & Greet, Lincoln, NE, September 28, 2023.
- "Intermodal Freight Logistics Modeling," University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Computing Colloquium, Lincoln, NE, April 20, 2023.
- "Application of Agent-Based Approaches to Enhance Marine Container Terminal Operations," Institute of Transportation Engineers UNL Student Chapter Meeting, Lincoln, NE, March 23, 2023.
- Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 8-12, 2023
- "Estimation of Annual Average Daily Traffic at Non-Coverage Locations"
- "Analysis of Injury Severity of Truck-Involved Crashes in Work Zones in South Carolina for Different Speed Limits"
- "Multiple Bundles Combinatorial Auction for Job Exchange in Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem"
- "A Novel Truck Scheduling Approach for Reducing Truck Turn Time at Container Terminals via Use of Waiting Lot"
- "Effect of Illegal Maneuvers on Traffic Operations at Signalized Intersections"
- "Improving SCDOT Project Delivery through Identifying Potentially Suitable Locations for Mitigation and Standardizing Section 401/404 Permit Application Process (South Carolina DOT)"
- "Transportation Workforce of the Future," American Council of Engineering Companies Nebraska Transportation Conference, Lincoln, NE, November 16, 2022.