Academic Degrees
- Ph.D., University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, 1981
- Dipl. Adv. Chem. Eng., University of Manchester, UMIST, UK, 1977
- B.S. & M.S., Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 1975
- The University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 1977-1981. Thesis Topic: Three Phase Distillation Columns Design & Simulation; Advisor: Dr. Colin McDermott
- Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), United Kingdom, Chemical Engineering, Advanced Diploma in Chemical Engineering, 1976-1977.
- Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Chemical Engineering, M.Sc., Chemical Engineering, 1974-1975. Thesis Topic: Absorption characteristics of Sulfur dioxide; Advisor: Dr. Erdogan Alper
- Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Chemical Engineering, B.Sc., Chemical Engineering, 1969-1974.
University of Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL),
Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, (2019 – present) - Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Visiting Scholar, Campus INP-ENSIACET, Toulouse, France, May 29-July 10, 2017
- University of Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL), Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, (2009 – present), Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, (2006 – 2009)
- Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, Visiting Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering (2002-2006).
- Winona State University, Winona, Minnesota, Faculty (Fixed Appointment), Materials Engineering Department (2001 – 2002)
- University of Delaware (UDEL), Newark, Delaware, Visiting Scholar, Department of Chemical Engineering (June 1999-2001).
- King Fahd University Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, Full Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering (2000-2001)
- Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering (1993-2000), Vice Dean, College of Art and Sciences (1991-1993), Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry (1986-1993), Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry (1981-1986)
Research Projects:
- Direct Removal of Groundwater Nitrate Coupling Water Treatment and Algae Growth, NE Environmental Trust, 04/01/2020 - 03/31/2023, $240,187
- Green Diesel Production from corn oil and bio oil, Nebraska Public Power District, NPPD, Nebraska Public Power District $60,000
- Design and Fabrication of an Enzymatically Active Biogas Upgrading Module, The UNL Research Council, Total Award Amount: $20,000 (WBS# 26-1106-9001-007)
- Biochemical analysis of microalgae for enhanced oil synthesis and biomass in a wastewatersystem, Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research, Total Award Amount: $150,000
- Chemical-Looping Combustion of Coal with Carbon Dioxide Captureresearch. Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research, Total Award Amount: $10,000
- Development of an integrated green process to obtain a high value, stable and bioavailable lycopene product from tomato processing industry waste, USDA-NIFA Foundational Program 2017, $489,781
- Recycling of carbon from coal and natural gas to methanol and carbon black in Nebraska methanol project, Nebraska Public Power District, NPPD, $35,215
- CaSO4-based chemical looping of coal with CO2 capture Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), $50,000
- Book: “Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics: Transport and Rate Processes in Physical, Chemical and Biological Systems,” 2nd ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007.
- Book: “Energy: Production, Conversion, Storage, Conservation, and Coupling,” Springer, 2012.
- Books & book contributions: 5, Journal articles: 77. Technical presentations: 43
- Graduate students advised: 8
- Funded projects: 9
- Extensive teaching and research experience in various prestigious institutions
- Member of editorial board of International Journal of Exergy (IJEX)
Curriculum Vitae (CV):
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Energy
- Biomass extraction and refinery towards integrated biorefinery to produce biofuel, bioproducts (bio-oil), and power
- Thermodynamic analysis of energy systems - Sustainable energy management
- Renewable energy and storage
- Enhancement in heat transfer
Research Profiles:
Courses Taught
- CHME 452/852 - Chemical Engineering Process Economics and Optimization
- CHME 453/853 - Chemical Engineering Process Design
- CHME 825 - Theoretical and Applied Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineers
Honors and Awards
- Distinguished Researcher Award: 1998-1999 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals ·
- Scholarship: British Council, 1992
- Grant: NATO ASI, 1989
- Fellowship: UNESCO, 1982
- Government grant for graduate studies: 1976-1981
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
- Madden, S., Alles, K., Demirel, Y., (2021) Measuring sustainability of renewable diesel productions using multi-criteria decision-matrix, submitted to Bioproducts & Biorefining, submitted Biofpr. 2021.
- Unlu, S., Niu, W., Demirel, Y. (2020) Bio-based adipic acid productions: Feasibility analysis using a multi-criteria decision matrix, Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining, Biofpr., 14, 794-807. DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2106.
- Singh, R., Tevatia, R., White, D., Demirel, Y., Blum, P., (2019) Comparative kinetic modeling of growth and molecular hydrogen overproduction by engineered strains of Thermotoga maritima. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44, 7125-7136.
- Allen, J.W, Unlu S., Demirel, Y., Black P., Riekhof W., (2018) Integration of Biology, Ecology and Engineering for Sustainable Algal Based Biofuel and Bioproduct Biorefinery, Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 5:47, 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40643-018-0233-5.
- Allen, J.W., Tevatia R., Demirel, Y, DiRusso C.C., Black P.N. (2018) Induction of oil accumulation by heat stress is metabolically distinct from N stress in the green microalgae Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C169. PLoS ONE 13, e0204505: 1-20.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0204505
- Wang, X., Demirel, Y. (2018) Feasibility of power and methanol production by an entrained-flow coal gasification system, Energy & Fuels 32, 7595-7610.https://doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b03958
- Singh, R., White, D., Demirel, Y., Kelly, R., Noll, K., Blum, P. (2018) Uncoupling fermentative synthesis of molecular hydrogen from biomass formation in Thermotoga maritime, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84, e00998-18. https://doi:10.1128/AEM.00998-18
- Demirel, Y. (2018) Sugar versus lipid for sustainable biofuels. International Journal of Energy Research, 42, 881-884. https://doi.org/10.1002/er.3914.
- Demirel, Y. (2017) Lignin for sustainable bioproducts and biofuels. Journal of Biochemical Engineering & Bioprocess Technology, 1.1-3.
- Cole, K.D., Cetin, B., Demirel, Y. (2017) Semi-analytical source method for reaction-diffusion problems. Journal of Heat Transfer, ASME: doi:10.1115/1.4038987
- Matzen, M., Pinkerton, J., Wang, X., Demirel, Y. (2017) Use of natural ores as oxygen carriers in chemical looping combustion: A review. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 65, 1-14.
- Matzen, M., Demirel, Y. (2016) Methanol and dimethyl ether from renewable hydrogen and carbon dioxide: Alternative fuels production and life-cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, 1068-1077.
- Alhajji, M., Demirel Y. (2016) Energy intensity and environmental impact metrics of the back-end separation of ethylene plant by thermodynamic analysis. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 7, 45-59. doi: 10.1007/s40095-015-0194-9.
- Matzen, M., Alhajji, M., Demirel, Y. (2015) Technoeconomics and sustainability of renewable methanol and ammonia productions using wind power –based hydrogen. Advanced Chemical Engineering, 5, 128.
- Matzen, M., Alhajji, M., Demirel, Y. (2015) Chemical storage of wind energy by renewable methanol production: Feasibility analysis using a multi-criteria decision matrix. Energy, 93 343-353.
- Alhajji, M., Demirel, Y. (2015) Energy and environmental sustainability assessment of crude oil refinery by thermodynamic analysis. International Journal of Energy Research. 39, 1925-1941.
- Demirel, Y. (2015) Sustainability and economic analysis of propylene carbonate and polypropylene carbonate production process using CO2 and propylene oxide. Chemical Engineering Process Technology, 6, 236. doi: 10.4172/2157-7048.1000236.
- Demirel, Y., Matzen, M., Winters, C., Gao, X. (2015) Capturing and using CO2 as feedstock with chemical-looping and hydrothermal technologies. International Journal of Energy Research, 39, 1011-1047.
- Küçük, K., Tevatia, R., Sorgüven, E., Demirel, Y., Özilgen M. (2015) Bioenergetics of growth and lipid production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Energy, 83, 503-510.
- Tevatia, R., Allen, J., Rudrappa, D., White, D., Clemente, T.E., Cerutti, H., Demirel, Y., Blum, P. (2015) The taurine biosynthetic pathway of microalgae. Algal Research, 9, 21-26.
- Tevatia, R., Demirel, Y., Rudrappa, D., Blum, P. (2015) Effects of thermodynamically coupled reaction diffusion in microalgae growth and lipid accumulation: Model development and stability analysis. Computers & Chemical Engineering 75, 28-39.
- Tevatia, R., Allen, J., Blum, P., Demirel, Y., Black, P. (2014) Modeling of rhythmic behavior in neutral lipid production due to continuous supply of limited nitrogen: Mutual growth and lipid accumulation in microalgae. Bioresource Technology, 170, 419-424.
- Tevatia, R., Demirel, Y., Blum, P. (2014) Influence of subenvironmental conditions and thermodynamic coupling on a simple reaction-transport process in biochemical systems. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research 53, 7637-7647.
- Demirel, Y. (2014) Information in biological systems and fluctuation theorem. Entropy 16, 1931-1948.
- Demirel, Y. (2014) On the measurements of entropy production in living cells under an alternating electric field. Cell Biology International, 38, 898-899.
- Demirel, Y. (2013) Sustainable distillation column operations. Chemical Engineering and Process Techniques 1005, 1-15.
- Nguyen, N., Demirel, Y. (2013) Economic analysis of Biodiesel and glycerol carbonate production plant by glycerolysis. Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems 3, 209-216.
- Demirel, Y. (2013) Thermodynamics analysis. Arabian Journal Science Engineering 38, 221-249.
- Tevatia, R., Demirel, Y., Blum, P. (2012) Kinetic modeling of photoautotropic growth and neutral lipid accumulation in terms of ammonium concentration in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Bioresource Technology 119, 419-424.
- Nguyen, N., Demirel, Y. (2011) A novel biodiesel and glycerol carbonate production plant. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 9, 1-25.
- Nguyen, N., Demirel, Y. (2011) Using thermally coupled reactive distillation columns in biodiesel production. Energy 36, 4838-4847.
- Demirel, Y. (2010) Nonequilibrium thermodynamics modeling of coupled biochemical cycles in living cells. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 165, 953-972.
- Nguyen, N., Demirel, Y. (2010) Retrofit of distillation columns in biodiesel production plants. Energy 35, 1625-1632.
- Kumar, A., Demirel, Y., Jones, D.D., Hanna, M.A. (2010) Optimization and economic evaluation of industrial gas production and combined heat and power generation from gasification of corn stover and distillers grains. Bioresource Technology 101, 3696-3701.
- Kumar, A., Noureddini, H., Demirel, Y., Jones, D.D., Hanna, M.A. (2009) Simulation of corn stover and distillers grains gasification with Aspen Plus. Transaction of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) 52, 1989-1995.
- Demirel, Y. (2009) Thermodynamically coupled heat and mass flows in a reaction-transport system with external resistances. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52, 2018-2025.
- Demirel, Y. (2008) Thermodynamically coupled transport in simple catalytic reactions. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 6, 1-22.
- Demirel, Y. (2008) Modeling of thermodynamically coupled reaction-transport systems. Chemical Engineering Journal, 139, 106-117.
- Demirel, Y., Ozturk, H.H. (2006) Thermoeconomics of seasonal heat storage system. International Journal of Energy Research 30, 1001-1012.
- Demirel, Y. (2006) Assessment of thermodynamic performances for distillation columns. International Journal of Exergy, 3, 345-361.
- Demirel, Y. (2006) Retrofit of distillation columns by thermodynamic analysis. Separation Science and Technology, 41, 791-817.
- Demirel, Y. (2006) Non-isothermal reaction diffusion systems with thermodynamically coupled heat and mass transfer. Chemical Engineering Science 61, 3379-3385.
- Gecegormez3, H., Demirel, Y. (2005) Phase stability analysis using interval Newton method with NRTL model. Fluid Phase Equilibria 237, 48-58.
- Demirel, Y. (2005) Stability of transport and rate processes. International Journal of Thermodynamics, 8, 1-14.
- Demirel, Y. (2004) Thermodynamic analysis of separation systems. Separation Science and Technology, 39, 3897-3942.
- Demirel, Y. (2004) Teaching coupled transport and rate processes. Chemical Engineering Education, 38, 254-261.
- Demirel Y., Sandler, S.I. (2004) Nonequilibrium thermodynamics in engineering and science. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108, 31-43.
- Demirel, Y. (2004) Exergy use in bioenergetics. International Journal of Exergy 1, 128-146.
- Demirel, Y. (2004) Workbook strategy in engineering education. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 3, 53-56.
- Demirel, Y. (2004) Teaching engineering courses with workbooks. Chemical Engineering Education, 38, 74-80.
- Ozturk, H.H., Demirel, Y. (2004) Exergy-based performance analysis of packed bed solar air heaters. International Journal of Energy Research, 28, 423-432.
- Demirel, Y., Sandler, S.I. (2002) Effects of concentration and temperature on the coupled heat and mass transport in liquid mixtures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 45, 75-86.
- Demirel, Y., Sandler, S.I. (2001) Linear-nonequilibrium thermodynamics theory for coupled heat and mass transport. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 44, 2439-2451.
- Demirel, Y. (2001) Thermodynamic analysis of thermomechanical coupling in tangential couette flow of temperature dependent materials.” International Journal of Exergy, 1, 53-59.
- Demirel, Y. (2000) Thermodynamic analysis of thermomechanical coupling in couette flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 43, 4205-4212.
- Demirel, Y., Kahraman, R. (2000) Thermodynamic analysis of convective heat transfer in an annular packed bed. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 21, 442-448.
- Demirel, Y., Sharma, R.N., Al-Ali, H.H. (2000) On the Effective heat transfer parameters in a packed bed. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 43, 327-332.
- Demirel, Y., Abu-Al-Saud2, B.A., Al-Ali, H.H., Makkawi, Y. (1999) Packing size and shape effects on forced convection in large rectangular packed ducts with asymmetric heating. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 42, 3267-3277.
- Demirel, Y., Kahraman, R. (1999) Entropy generation in a rectangular packed duct with wall heat flux.” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 42, 2337-2344.
- Demirel, Y. (1999) Irreversibility profiles in a circular couette flow of temperature dependent materials.” International Communication of Heat and Mass Transfer, 26, 75-83.
- Demirel, Y., Al-Ali, H.H., Abu-Al-Saud, B.A. (1999) Enhancement of convection heat-transfer in a rectangular duct. Applied Energy, 64, 441-451.
- Demirel, Y. (1999) Estimation of the entropy of vaporization at the normal boiling point for azeotropic mixtures containing water, alcohol or acetic acid. Thermochimica Acta, 339, 79-85.
- Bascetincelik, A., Ozturk, H.H., Paksoy, H.O., Demirel, Y. (1999) Energetic and exergetic efficiency of latent heat storage system for greenhouse heating. Renewable Energy, 16, 691-694.
- Demirel, Y. (1998) Irreversibility distribution for a pure convection case of the Smith-Hutton problem. International Communication of Heat and Mass Transfer, 25, 671-679.
- Makkawi, Y., Demirel, Y., Al-Ali, H.H. (1998) Numerical analysis of forced convection heat transfer in a rectangular packed duct with asymmetric heating. Energy Conversion and Management, 39, 455-463.
- Demirel, Y., Paksoy, H.O. (1997) Calculations of thermodynamic derivative properties from the NRTL and UNIQUAC models.” Thermochimica Acta, 303, 129-136.
- Demirel, Y., Al-Ali, H.H. (1997) Thermodynamic analysis of convective heat transfer in a packed duct with asymmetrical wall temperatures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 40, 1145-1153.
- Demirel, Y., Al-Ali, H.H., Abu-Al-Saud, B.A. (1997) Entropy generation of convection heat transfer in an asymmetrically heated packed duct. International Communication of Heat and Mass Transfer, 24, 381-390.
- Paksoy, H.O., Ornektekin, S., Balci, B., Demirel, Y. (1996) The performance of UNIFAC and related group contribution models Part I. prediction of infinite dilution activity coefficients. Thermochimica Acta, 287, 251-259.
- Ornektekin, S., Paksoy, H.O., Demirel, Y. (1996) The performance of UNIFAC and related group contribution models Part II. prediction of Henry’s law constant. Thermochimica Acta, 287, 235-249.
- Demirel, Y., Saxena, S.C. (1996) Heat transfer through a low pressure gas enclosure as a thermal insulator: design considerations. International Journal of Energy Research, 20, 327-338.
- Demirel, Y., Saxena, S.C. (1996) Heat transfer in rarefied gas at a gas-solid interface.” Energ,y 21, 99-103.
- Demirel, Y. (1995) Thermodynamic optimization of convective heat transfer in a packed duct. Energy, 20, 959-967.
- Demirel, Y. (1995) Fundamental thermodynamic surfaces for alkanol-alkane binary mixtures by the NRTL model. Fluid Phase Equilibri,a 106, 27-45.
- Demirel, Y., Paksoy, H.O. (1995) Excess heat capacity surfaces for water-alkanol mixtures by the UNIQUAC model. Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research 34, 921-927.
- Demirel, Y., Hamad, E.Z. (1995) Excess enthalpy surfaces for alkanol-alkane mixtures by the UNIQUAC model. Thermochimica Acta, 260, 51-74.
- Demirel, Y., Paksoy, H.O. (1995) Excess enthalpy surfaces for n-heptane + carboxylic acid, amyl amine and n-octanol mixtures by the NRTL model. Thermochimica Acta, 261, 33-45.
- Demirel, Y. (1994) Calculation of excess entropy for binary liquid mixtures by the NRTL and UNIQUAC models. Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research, 33, 2875-2878.
- Demirel, Y. (1993) On the calculation of azeotropes from the NRTL and UNIQUAC models. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 86, 1-13.
- Demirel, Y. (1993) Correlation of heats of mixing of liquid mixtures by the NRTL model. Thermochimica Acta, 219, 83-96.
- Demirel, Y. Paksoy, H.O. (1993) Thermal analysis of heat storage materials Thermochimica Acta, 213, 211-221.
- Demirel, Y., Gecegörmez, H., Paksoy, H. O. (1992) Correlation of heat of mixing data by the NRTL and UNIQUAC models. 1. Estimation of the model parameters. Thermochimica Acta, 194, 329-341.
- Demirel, Y., Paksoy, H.O. (1992) Calculation of excess heat capacity for liquid mixtures. Thermochimica Acta, 198, 329-344.
- Demirel, Y., Paksoy, H.O., Gecegörmez, H. (1992) Correlation of heats of mixing data by the NRTL and UNIQUAC models. 2. Prediction of the calorimetric properties. Thermochimica Acta, 194, 343-359.
- Demirel, Y., Gecegörmez, H. (1991) Simultaneous representation of excess enthalpy and vapor-liquid equilibrium data by the NRTL and UNIQUAC models.” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 65, 111-133.
- Demirel, Y., Dayan, A. (1991) On the performance of original and modified UNIFAC models in vapor-liquid equilibrium predictions. Journal of Chemistry, 15, 115-122.
- Demirel, Y., Gecegörmez, H. (1990) On the performance of the NRTL and UNIQUAC models with temperature dependent parameters. Islamabad Journal of Science, 10, 69-75.
- Demirel, Y. (1990) Calculation of enthalpy of mixing at infinite dilution by the NRTL and UNIQUAC models with temperature dependent parameters. Thermochimica Acta, 170, 197-208.
- Demirel, Y. (1990) Calculation of infinite dilution activity coefficient by the NRTL and UNIQUAC models. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 68, 697-701.
- Demirel, Y., Gecegörmez, H. (1989) Simultaneous correlation of excess Gibbs energy and enthalpy of mixing by the UNIQUAC equation, Canadian Journal Chemical Engineering, 67, 455-461.
- Demirel, Y. (1989) Experimental investigation of heat transfer in a packed duct with unequal wall temperatures. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2, 425-431.
- Öcal, M.E., Demirel, Y., Dündar, C., Haktanìr, T. (1989) Investigation of heat insulation concrete including agricultural waste. Turkish Journal Engineering and Environment, 13, 169-181.
- McDermott, C., Demirel, Y. (1989) Correlation of solubility data in ternary liquid mixtures. Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry, 10, 226-233.
- Demirel, Y., McDermott, C. (1987) Distillation simulation for partially miscible systems. Chimica Acta Turcica, 15, 329-350.
- Demirel, Y., Kunç, S. (1987) Thermal performance study on a solar air heater with packed flow passage. Energy Conversion and Management, 27, 317-325.
- Paksoy, H.O., Demirel, Y. (1987) A study of heat storage in packed beds. (in Turkish) Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environment, 11, 303-317.
- Demirel, Y. (1987) Quasi-steady state analysis of a solar air heater. (in Turkish) Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environment, 11, 1-14.
- Demirel, Y. (1986) Thermal performance study of a solar air heater. (in Turkish) Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environment, 10, 267-279.
- Demirel, Y. (1986) Thermal performance study of a solar air heater. (in Turkish) Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environment, 10, 267-279
100. Demirel, Y., Basçetinçelik, A. (1986) Heat storage and regeneration for agricultural buildings. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environment, 10, 280-288.
101. Demirel, Y. (1986) On the multicomponent diffusion calculations by means of the Maxwell-Stefan equations. Chimica Acta Turcica, 14, 114-129.
102. Kunç, S., Demirel, Y., Yegingil, I. (1986) Efficiency of solar air heaters in Turkey. (in Turkish) Chemical Engineering, 116, 29-34.
103. Demirel, Y., Kunç, S. (1985) Convection heat transfer in asymmetrically heated duct. (in Turkish) Turkish Journal of Engineering Environment, 9, 34-40.
104. Demirel, Y., McDermott, C. (1984) Prediction of phase behavior and bubble point of partially miscible systems.” Chimica Acta Turcica, 12, 173-188.
105. Demirel, Y. (1982) Comparison of new molecular models in fluid phase equilibria Predictions.” Chimica Acta Turcica, 10, 197-206.
106. Kunç, S., Demirel, Y. (1982) “Solar air heater.” Çukurova Universitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Yìllìgì, 1-2, 52-61.
107. Demirel, Y. (1981) “Three Phase Distillation.” Ph.D, Thesis. The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Books and Book Chapters
- Demirel, Y, Rosen, Mark. (2022) Sustainable Engineering. Process Intensification, Energy Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, (in preparation) CRC Press, Taylor & Francis
- Demirel, Y. (2021) Energy: Production, Conversion, Storage, Conservation, and Coupling, 3rd ed., Springer, London. ISBN 978-3-319-29650-0 (611 pages)
- Demirel Y., Gerbaud V. (2019), Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics: Transport and Rate Processes in Physical, Chemical and Biological Systems, 4th ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam. https://www.elsevier.com/books/nonequilibrium-thermodynamics/demirel/978-0-444-64112-0
- Demirel, Y. (2018) Energy Conservation. In ‘Comprehensive Energy Systems’, I. Dincer (Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol. 5, 45-90. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128095973005058
- Demirel, Y. (2018) Biofuels. In Comprehensive Energy Systems, I. Dincer (Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol. 1, Part B, 875-908. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128095973001255
- Demirel, Y. (2016) Energy: Production, Conversion, Storage, Conservation, and Coupling, 2nd ed., Springer, London. ISBN 978-3-319-29650-0 (611 pages) http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-29650-0
- Demirel, Y. (2014) Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics: Transport and Rate Processes in Physical, Chemical and Biological Systems, 3rd ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-0-444-59557-7. (800 pages).
- Demirel, Y. (2012) Energy: Production, Conversion, Storage, Conservation, and Coupling, Springer, London. ISBN: 978-14471-2371-2. (510 pages)
- Demirel, Y. (2007) Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics: Transport and Rate Processes in Physical, Chemical and Biological Systems, 2nd ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam. ISBN: 978-0-444-53079-0. (750 pages).
- Demirel, Y. (2002) Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics: Transport and Rate Processes in Physical and Biological Systems, Elsevier, Amsterdam. ISBN: 0-444-50886-4. (450 pages)
- Demirel, Y. (2011) “Energy coupling.” In Information and Living Systems in Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives, Eds. G. Terzis, R. Arp, MIT Press, Cambridge, 25-53. ISBN: 978-0-262-20174-2.
- Demirel, Y. (2007) “Heat storage by phase changing materials and thermoeconomics.” Thermal Energy Storage for Sustainable Energy Consumption NATO Science Series, 234, 133-151.
Conference Proceedings: Peer Reviewed Abstract and/or Peer Reviewed Paper
- Demirel, Y. (2017) “Molecular motors and fluctuation theorem,” 14th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 21-25, 2017.
- Mahdi-Alhajji, M, Demirel, Y. (2016) Capturing and conversion of CO2 with chemical looping. . Nebraska Summer Research Symposium, University of Nebraska Lincoln August 6, 2016.
- Matzen1, M., Demirel, Y. (2015) Biomethanol: Life cycle analysis. Nebraska Summer Research Symposium, University of Nebraska Lincoln August 6, 2015.
- Demirel, Y. (2014) “Capturing and using CO2 as feedstock for clean chemical processes technologies.” TechConnect World 2014 - Nanotech, Microtech, Biotech, Cleantech Joint 2014 Conferences, 4 pages, Washington, DC; June 15-18, 2014.
- Winters, C., Demirel, Y. (2014) Chemical-looping technologies and hydrothermal processes for capturing and converting carbon dioxide. Nebraska Summer Research Symposium, University of Nebraska Lincoln August 6, 2014.
- Demirel, Y. (2013) “Capturing and conversion of CO2 to methanol in a chemical looping packed bed system.” Air Quality IX Conference, 6 pages, Arlington, Virginia; October 21–23, 2013.
- Demirel, Y. (2013) “Chemical-looping combustion of coal with carbon dioxide capture.” Air Quality IX Conference, poster, Arlington, Virginia; October 21–23, 2013.
- Demirel, Y. (2013) “Fluctuation theorem, information and biological systems.” 12th Joint European Thermodynamic Conference Proceeding, 6 pages, Brescia, Italy; July 1-5, 2013.
- Nguyen, N., Demirel, Y. (2013) “Biodiesel-glycerol carbonate production plant.” National Advanced Biofuels Conference and Expo, 4 pages, Omaha, Nebraska; September 10-12, 2013.
- Tevatia, R., Allen, J., Demirel, Y., Black P., Blum, P. (2013) “Mutual growth and triglyceride accumulation through precise nitrogen limitation in microalgae.” National Advanced Biofuels Conference and Expo, 4 pages, Omaha, Nebraska; September 10-12, 2013.
- Tevatia, R., Blum, P., Demirel, Y. (2013) “Analysis of taurine biosynthesis in microalgae using LC-MS.” American Society for Microbiology, 4 pages, Denver Colorado; May 18-21, 2013.
- Nguyen, N., Demirel, Y. (2012) “Biodiesel-glycerol carbonate production plant by glycerolysis. “ 2012 National Conference: Science for biomass feedstock production and utilization, New Orleans, LA; October 2-5, 2012.
- Nguyen, N., Demirel, Y. (2012) “Gleycerol carbonate production.” 2012 National Conference: Science for Biomass Feedstock Production and Utilization, New Orleans, LA; October 2-5 2012.
- Demirel, Y. (2012) “Exergy analysis of unit operations” Exergy and Its Applications for Better Environment and Sustainability University of Ontario Institute of Technology Oshawa, ON, Canada; April 30 - May 4, 2012.
- Demirel, Y. (2012) “Chemical exergy” Exergy and Its Applications for Better Environment and Sustainability University of Ontario Institute of Technology Oshawa, ON, Canada; April 30 - May 4, 2012.
- Demirel, Y. (2012) “Thermoeconomics” Exergy and Its Applications for Better Environment and Sustainability University of Ontario Institute of Technology Oshawa, ON, Canada; April 30 - May 4, 2012.
- Demirel, Y. (2012) “Equipartition principle” Exergy and Its Applications for Better Environment and Sustainability University of Ontario Institute of Technology Oshawa, ON, Canada; April 30 - May 4, 2012.
- Nguyen, N., Demirel, Y. (2010) “Reactive distillation column for esterification of lauric acid with methanol: Equilibrium versus nonequilibrium approaches.” AIChE Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Salt Lake City, UT; November 7-12, 2010.
- Nguyen2, N., Sim, J., Demirel, Y. (2010) “Bioethanol dehydration in thermally integrated extractive distillation columns.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Salt Lake City, UT; November 7-12, 2010.
- Nguyen, N., Demirel, Y. (2010) “Carboxylation of glycerol in a biodiesel plant.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Salt Lake City, UT; November 7-12, 2010.
- Demirel, Y., Noureddini, H. (2010) “Process development for manufacturing propylene carbonate and poly(propylene carbonate) from propylene oxide and carbon dioxide.” Frontiers in Biorefining: Biobased Products from Renewable Carbon, 4 pages, St. Simons Island, GA; October 19-22, 2010.
- Demirel, Y. (2009) “Properties of thermodynamic coupling between chemical and transport processes with external resistances.” 17th Syp. Thermophysical Properties, 4 pages, Boulder CO; June 11-15, 2009.
- Kumar, A., Demirel, Y., Jones, D., Hanna, M. (2009) “Simulation of biomass gasification using Aspen Plus.” 2009 Mid-Central ASABE Meeting- Technical Session, 4 pages, Iowa State University, Iowa; April, 23-24, 2009.
- Demirel, Y. (2008) “Modular teaching and open ended design projects.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Philadelphia, PA; November 16-21, 2008.
- Demirel, Y. (2008) “Modeling of active transport.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Philadelphia, PA; November 16-21, 2008.
- Demirel, Y. (2008) “Retrofit of distillation columns in a methanol plant.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Philadelphia, PA; November 16-21, 2008.
- Demirel, Y. (2005) “Heat storage by phase changing materials and thermoeconomics.” Thermal energy storage for sustainable energy consumption (TESSEC), NATO ASI, 12 pages, Ceşme, Izmir Turkey; June 6-17, 2005.
- Demirel, Y. (2005) “Modular teaching and product design projects in capstone design.” ASEE SE Section Annual Conference, 6 pages, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, TN; April 3-5, 2005.
- Demirel, Y. (2004) “Use of nonequilibrium thermodynamics in science and engineering.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Austin, TX; November 7-12, 2004.
- Demirel, Y. (2004) “Coupled heat and mass transfer with chemical reaction.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Austin, TX; November 7-12, 2004.
- Demirel, Y. (2004) “Teaching styles and workbook strategy in engineering education.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Austin, TX; November 7-12, 2004.
- Demirel, Y. (2004) “Modular teaching experience in capstone design.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Austin, TX; November 7-12, 2004.
- Demirel, Y. (2004) “Workbook strategy and active learning experience in engineering education.” 34th Annual Conference of the International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning, 12 pages, Baltimore, MD; October 14-16, 2004.
- Demirel, Y. (2004) “Effective teaching and active learning of engineering courses with workbooks.” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Session 3213, 4 pages, Salt Lake City, UT; June 20-23, 2004.
- Demirel, Y. (2004) “Teaching chemical engineering courses with workbook strategy.” ASEE, SE Section, Annual Conference, 4 pages, Auburn, AL; April, 4-6, 2004.
- Demirel, Y. (2003) “Thermodynamic analysis of separation processes.” Thirteenth Symposium on Separation Science and Technology for Energy Applications, 4 pages, Gatlinburg, TN; October 27-30, 2003.
- Demirel, Y. (2003) “Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and stability analysis of transport and rate processes.” 3rd International Workshop on Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Complex Fluids, 6 pages, Princeton, NJ; August 14-17, 2003.
- Demirel, Y. (2000) “Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and coupled transport in membranes.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Los Angeles, CA: November 12-17, 2000.
- Demirel, Y., Sandler, S.I. (2000) “Coupled heat and mass transport in binary and ternary liquid mixtures.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Los Angeles, CA; November 12-17, 2000.
- Ozturk, H.H., Bascetincelik, A., Demirel, Y., Paksoy2, H.O. (1999) “Thermal analysis of packed solar heaters.” Proceedings, Sun Day Symposium 99, p. 43-46, Kayseri, Turkey; June 23-27, 1999.
- Demirel, Y. (1999) “Nonequilibrium thermodynamics in second law analysis for transport phenomena and chemical reactors.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Dallas, TX; October 31 - November 5, 1999.
- Demirel, Y. (1998) “Fundamental thermodynamic surfaces for binary liquid mixtures by the NRTL and UNIQUAC models.” AIChE’s Annual Meeting, 4 pages, Miami Beach, FL; November 15-20, 1998.
- Demirel, Y., Al-Ali, H.H., Abu-Al-Saud, B.A. (1998) “Convection heat transfer in a large packed duct with asymmetrical heating.” 7th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, 4 pages, Albuquerque, NM; June 15-18, 1998.
- Bascetincelik, A., Paksoy, H.O., Ozturk, H.H., Demirel, Y. (1998) “Seasonal heat storage system for greenhouse heating.” Annex 10-phase change materials and chemical reactions for thermal energy storage.” International Energy Agency, First Workshop, p. 93-13, Adana, Turkey; April 16-17, 1998.
- Demirel, Y., Al-Ali, H.H., Abu-Al-Saud, B.A. (1996) “Volumetric entropy generation of convective heat transfer in an asymmetrically heated packed duct.” 4th International Symposium on Heat Transfer with Exhibition (ISHT), In Heat Transfer Science and Technology, Ed. Wang Buxuan, 520-525, Beijing, China; October 7-11, 1996.
- Demirel, Y. (1996) “Thermodynamic analysis of convective heat transfer in an asymmetrically heated duct.” TIEES-96, First Trabzon International Energy and Environment Symposium, 623-627, Trabzon, Turkey; July 29-31, 1996.
- Demirel, Y. (1995) “Thermodynamic analysis of the forced convection heat transfer in a packed duct.” Second Annual One day Technical Exchange Symposium (SAS-AIChE), 1-15, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; June 28, 1995.
- Paksoy, H.O., Demirel, Y. (1994) “Determining thermal properties of hybrid storage materials.” Calorstock’94, 6th International Conference on Thermal Energy Storage, 397-402, Espoo, Finland; August 22-25, 1994.
- Paksoy, H.O., Demirel, Y., Bascetincelik, A. Yegingil, I. (1994) “Preliminary design of central solar heating systems with seasonal storage in Turkey.” Calorstock’94, 6th International Conference on Thermal Energy Storage, 697-704, Espoo, Finland; August 22-25, 1994.
- Demirel, Y., Paksoy, H.O. (1993) “A simple method for testing thermal properties of heat storage materials.” ITEC-93, First International Thermal Energy Congress, 363-366, Marrakesh, Morocco; June 6-10, 1993.
- Demirel, Y., Bascetincelik, A., Paksoy, H.O., Oztekin, S. (1993) “The use of seasonal heat storage in greenhouse air conditioning.” ITEC-93, First International Thermal Energy Congress, 889-892, Marrakesh, Morocco; June 6-10, 1993.
- Paksoy, H.O., Demirel, Y. (1993) “Integration of heat pump and heat storage in utilizing the waste heat.” ITEC-93, First International Thermal Energy Congress, 527-530, Marrakesh, Morocco; June 6-10, 1993.
- Demirel, Y. (1987) “The impact of computer technology on developments.” International Symposium on Transfer of Computer Technology, 123-128, Amman, Jordan; November 23-25, 1987.
- Demirel, Y., Pakdil, E. (1986) “UNIFAC modelinin kimyasal proses hesaplamalarìnda kullanìlmasì.” (In Turkish) 2. Ulusal Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarìm Sempozyumu, Bildiriler Kitabi Editor: B. Kuryel, 112-119, Izmir, Turkey; Nisan 28-30, 1986.
- Basçetinçelik, A., Demirel, Y. (1985) “Waste heat utilization possibilities for greenhouse heating in Çukurova region.” Proceeding of the first Workshop of Heat Recovery Systems in Agricultural Buildings, edited by M. Debruyckere, A. Ninolaus, W. Van Der Bient and L. Balemans, CNRE Bulletin No. 11, 25-27, Ghent, Belgium; September 11-13, 1985.
- Demirel, Y., Kunç, S., Paksoy1,2, H.O. (1984) “Packed duct model for use in solar air collectors.” 3rd International Congress: New Energy Source and Exhibition, 167-177, Istanbul-Turkey; 25-27 June, 1984.
- Demirel, Y., Kunc, S., Eskut, E. (1984) “Yeni bir havali gunes toplaci modeli.” (In Turkish) EIE Gunes Enerjisi Konferansi Tebligleri, 1-18, Ankara, Turkey; 16-18 Mayis, 1984.
- Kunc, S., Demirel, Y. (1984) “Secimli yuzeyler ve duzlemsel toplaclar icin bir model.” (In Turkish) EIE Gunes Enerjisi Konferansi Tebligleri, p. 19-33, Ankara, Turkey; 16-18 Mayis, 1984.
- Kunç, S., Demirel, Y., Uysal, Y., Eker, A. (1983) “Black nickel coated surface for flat-plate solar collector.” Proceedings of First Arab International Solar Energy Conference, edited by H.Alawi, A. Al. Jassar, Al. Juwayhel and A. A. M. Sayigh, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 125-128, Kuwait; December 2-8, 1983.
Invited Talks or Keynote Speeches
1 Demirel, Y. (2017) Keynote talk, “Molecular Motors and Fluctuation Theorem”, 14th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 21-25, 2017.
2 Demirel, Y. (2017) Invited talk “Information in Biology, Fluctuation Theorem, and Molecular Motors”, I.C.B. - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, UMR 6303 CNRS - Université de Bourgogne, Dijon Cedex, France, June 7, 2017.
3 Demirel, Y. (2016) Invited talk “Thermodynamic Analysis”, Laboratoire De Genie Chimique’ LGC, Toulouse Sept. 26-30, 2016.
4 Demirel, Y. (2016) Invited talk “From Nonliving Systems-Heat Engines to Living Systems-Dissipative Structures”, Laboratoire De Genie Chimique’ LGC, Toulouse Sept. 26-30, 2016.
5 Demirel, Y. (2016) Invited talk “ Setting Teams Up for Success” Fall Teaching & Learning Symposium, October 7, 2016 Nebraska Innovation Campus.
6 Demirel, Y. (2016) Invited talk “ Managing and Assessing Team Work” Fall Teaching & Learning Symposium, October 7, 2016 Nebraska Innovation Campus.
7 Demirel, Y. (2016) “ Sustainability assessment of a crude oil refinery by thermodynamic analysis.’ 8th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, Antalya, Turkey; May 1-4, 2016.
8 Demirel, Y. (2013) “Biodiesel and glycerol carbonate production.” UNL Nebraska Research Fair, November 7, 2013.
9 Demirel, Y. (2013) “Fluctuation theorem, information and biological systems.” 12th Joint European Thermodynamic Conference Proceeding, Brescia, Italy; July 1-5, 2013.
10 Demirel, Y. (2013) “Collaborative carbon capture research.” Nebraska Center for Energy Science Research (NCESR), Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD), Lincoln, NE; July 26. 2013.
11 Demirel, Y. (2012) “Exergy analysis of unit operations” Exergy and Its Applications for Better Environment and Sustainability University of Ontario Institute of Technology Oshawa, ON, Canada; April 30 - May 4, 2012.
12 Demirel, Y. (2012) “Chemical exergy” Exergy and Its Applications for Better Environment and Sustainability University of Ontario Institute of Technology Oshawa, ON, Canada; April 30 - May 4, 2012.
13 Demirel, Y. (2012) “Thermoeconomics” Exergy and Its Applications for Better Environment and Sustainability University of Ontario Institute of Technology Oshawa, ON, Canada; April 30 - May 4, 2012.
14 Demirel, Y. (2012) “Equipartition principle” Exergy and Its Applications for Better Environment and Sustainability University of Ontario Institute of Technology Oshawa, ON, Canada; April 30 - May 4, 2012.
15 Demirel, Y. (2012) “Techno-economic analysis of biodiesel production.” Algal Research Group, UNL, Lincoln, NE; March,12, 2012.
16 Demirel, Y. (2011) “Algal Biomass Preparation as Feed Stock.” Algal Research Group, UNL, Lincoln, NE; December, 2011.
17 Demirel, Y. (2009) “Non-equilibrium thermodynamics modeling of coupled biochemical cycles in living cells.” 5th International Workshop on Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Complex Systems, Cuernavaca, Mexico; August 24-28, 2009.
18 Demirel, Y. (2009) “Energy storage systems.” Departments of Computer Science Engineering and Mathematics, UNL, Lincoln, NE; February, 2009.
19 Demirel, Y. (2008) “Modeling rate and transport processes in mitochondria.” School of Biological Sciences and Department of Mathematics, UNL, Lincoln, NE; November 6, 2008.
20 Demirel, Y. (2008) “Some research projects: A) modeling coupled transport and rate process, B) Process design and optimization.” Research Luncheon Series, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, UNL, Lincoln, NE; September 24, 2008.
21 Demirel, Y. (2005) “Heat storage by phase changing materials and thermoeconomics.” NATO Summer School on Thermal Energy Storage for Sustainable Energy Consumption, , Izmir, Turkey; June 6-17, 2005.
22 Demirel, Y. (2004) “Modeling transport and rate processes.” University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee; September 22, 2004.
23 Demirel, Y. (2003) “Thermodynamics efficiency in bioenergetics.” Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia; February 14, 2003.
24 Demirel, Y. (2001) “Transport in composite membranes.” Winona State University, Winona, Minnesota; February 05, 2001.
25 Demirel, Y. (2000) “Vapor-liqid phase equilibria.” Research group of Dr. S. I. Sandler, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware; August 10, 2000.
26 Demirel, Y. (2000) “Enhancement in convection heat transfer.” West Virginia University Institute and Technology, Charleston, West Virginia; May, 12, 2000.
27 Demirel, Y. (1997) “Thermodynamic optimization of convective heat flow in packed ducts.” Saudi ARAMCO Technical Meeting, Dhahran. S.A.; February 11, 1997.