Message from ITS:
While UNL responded to the Covid19 pandemic, some of our remote teaching and learning services have reached data storage limits. The most significant issues currently reside with Zoom, and we expect to reach our storage limits if we do not delete unused/unneeded video files.
To address this issue, ITS-AT will delete all meeting videos recorded and stored in Zoom prior to August 15, 2020. We will delete these videos on April 8, 2021.
If you have Zoom meeting recordings you would like to save, please download and save them. You can find information about downloading Zoom recordings here: If you need assistance with downloading and storing recordings, please submit a ticket to the Academic Technologies team:<>.
If you have Zoom recordings that are no longer needed, please delete them to ensure necessary cloud recording for the Spring semester may continue. This video shows how to do that:
Please turn off "auto recording" as a default and only record necessary meetings. You may turn on auto recording on any meetings that need to be recorded, including recurring meetings.Visit this link for instructions: