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Oct 21, 2019
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Mehrdad Negahban, professor of mechanical and materials engineering, received the Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Award for for Polymer Science and Technology at the International Polymer Characterization Forum (POLY-CHAR 2019) Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal.
The award is given annually to a scientist who has displayed "exemplary research work" in the field of polymer and materials science.
Negahban is known internationally for his work with polymers, including how polymers respond to stresses, large deformations and crystallization. He is also U.S. director of the Advanced Mechanics and Materials Engineering International Laboratory (AMME-International).
According to its website, POLY-CHAR is "a nonprofit, non-governmental organization devoted to create a friendly environment to share information, organize student exchange and cooperation, to hold international meetings and to provide a platform in the field of Materials Science, in particular Polymer Characterization and Polymer Materials Science and Technology, for scientists from all over the word disregarding where they are from." POLY-CHAR is rooted in polymer synthesis, characterization, processing, application, recycling, education and its environmental/social consequences.
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