October 16, 2018 - Mike Loehring, who in the past five years served in multiple leadership roles in the College of Engineering, died on Oct. 13 after a long battle with cancer. He was 37.
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October 05, 2018 - Kieren Smith, a graduate student in architectural engineering, has received the Leo and Gabriella Beranek Scholarship in Architectural Acoustics and Noise Control from the Acoustical Society of America (ASA).
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September 26, 2018 - Jian Wang, professor of mechanical and materials engineering, recently received a three-year, $799,270 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy.
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September 26, 2018 - Nebraska's MRSEC and Tuskegee University are partners in an NSF diversity-focused materials research grant that will also increase academic opportunities to underrepresented groups of students.
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September 24, 2018 - On NET's "Consider This," Nebraska civil engineering faculty Daniel Linzell and Chungwook Sim are part of the panel discussing a new initiative that focuses on the management and monitoring of rural bridge health.
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September 21, 2018 - College of Engineering faculty Ece Erdogmus and Hossein Noureddini are among 10 from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln chosen by the Executive Vice Chancellor’s Office to attend Big Ten Academic Alliance leadership programs this year.
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September 12, 2018 - Using a controlled-atmosphere system in a 3D hybrid printer, Michael Sealy and his team of Nebraska engineers are developing a process for manufacturing customized, dissolvable metal implants that can reduce risks and costs for surgical patients.
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September 12, 2018 - Yi Qian, professor of electrical and computer engineering, was chosen recently to be the editor-in-chief of one of the top journals in the field of wireless communications, telecommunications and computer networks – IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine.
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September 10, 2018 - Researchers know that growing stem cells takes a long time and creates expensive treatments. Nebraska Engineering's Yuguo Lei advises providing a cell culture setting that mimics the natural stem-cell niche as closely as possible to minimize cell stress.
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September 10, 2018 - The University of Nebraska-Lincoln programs No. 61 ranking in the latest U.S. News college rankings is in part fueled by the College of Engineering's rise to No. 80 among U.S. undergraduate engineering programs.
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