
Fourteen College of Engineering faculty were awarded promotion and/or tenure in 2022.
April 25, 2022 - Fourteen faculty from the College of Engineering are among the 111 University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty who have been awarded promotion and/or tenure in 2022.  Full Story

A Nebraska Engineering team led by Eric Markvicka has developed the "electronic nose," a sensing device that can be used to identify volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are excreted by human skin or present in exhaled breath. This data could be used to identify the presence of diseases, such as COVID-19.
April 22, 2022 - A team of Nebraska Engineering researchers, led by Eric Markvicka, was chosen as a winner at the DMD 5MP competition for their"electronic nose," a sensing device worn on the skin that can identify organic compounds in exhaled breath or skin excretions.  Full Story

Nebraska's national champion debate team included College of Engineering students Amber Tannehill (second from left, front row), Zachary Wallenburg (second from left, back row) and Salman Djingueinabaye (third from right, back row).
April 21, 2022 - When the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Speech and Debate Team recently earned the first national championship in its 151-year history, three students from the College of Engineering were key contributors to the Lincoln Douglas Debate victory.  Full Story

Aaron Haake (left), a senior mechanical engineering major, and Mark Nail, a 2020 mechanical engineering graduate, have been awarded 2022 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships.
April 21, 2022 - Aaron Haake, a senior in mechanical engineering, and Mark Nail, a mechanical engineering alum, were chosen to receive National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships.  Full Story

Through the university's N2025 strategic plan, the College of Engineering is looking to create a pipeline for bilingual engineers with a proposed program focused on heritage Spanish speakers in Nebraska.
April 20, 2022 - Through the university's N2025 strategic plan, the College of Engineering is looking to create a pipeline for bilingual engineers with a proposed program focused on heritage Spanish speakers in Nebraska.  Full Story

Nebraska’s Shane Farritor is the inaugural winner of the University of Nebraska’s Faculty Intellectual Property Innovation and Commercialization Award. (Craig Chandler / University Communication)
April 15, 2022 - Shane Farritor, professor of mechanical and materials engineering, was selected as the inaugural winner of the NU system's Faculty Intellectual Property Innovation and Commercialization Award.  Full Story

Sarah Altman checks a virus culture as she works in Shi-Hua Xiang’s lab in Morrison Hall. Altman, a junior majoring in biological systems engineering, has been awarded a Goldwater Scholarship. (Craig Chandler / University Communication)
April 15, 2022 - Sarah Altman, a junior majoring in biological systems engineering, has earned a Goldwater Scholarship to support her pursuit of a research career.  Full Story

Ruiguo Yang, assistant professor of mechanical and materials engineering, is using a $540,000 grant from the National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development Program to explore how cell-cell bridges respond to strains of different magnitudes and rates. (Craig Chandler / University Communication)
April 13, 2022 - Ruiguo Yang is examining how cell-cell junctions — protein structures that enable cells to attach to neighboring cells — respond to the wide range of strains they're subjected to every day, such as cardiac pulses, stretching of the skin and peristalsis  Full Story

The team working on this DOE project includes: Sulaiman Mohaidat, Ph.D. student in the Durham School, Fadi Alsaleem, assistant professor in The Durham School, Jinying Zhu, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, Bibo Zhong, Ph.D. student in civil and environmental engineering, and Clayton Malone, Ph.D. student in civil and environmental engineering.
April 11, 2022 - Nebraska Engineering researchers Jinying Zhu and Fadi Alsaleem have received a three-year, $800,000 award from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to develop a dual-sensing, health-monitoring system for a spent nuclear fuel canister.  Full Story

Prize winners at the March 23 Engineering Pitch Competition were: First place – Auto Planter, Ian Tempelmeyer (grad student in biological systems engineering); second place – Transverse Direct Drive, Matthew Penne (grad student in electrical and computer engineering); third place – UNL Maker Group, Isaac Regier (senior in mechanical and materials engineering) and Brendan Colford (senior in architecture).
April 08, 2022 - Ian Tempelmeyer, a graduate student in biological systems engineering, won first place in the Engineering Pitch Competition on March 23 for a pitch on a robotic system with a planter attachment to aid corn farmers.  Full Story