December 17, 2021 - Dianna Morris, a Ph.D. candidate and graduate research assistant in chemical and biomolecular engineering, has been awarded a three-year, $177,000 USDA Pre-Doctoral Fellowship.
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December 10, 2021 - Midwest Roadside Safety Facility researchers conducted a rare-but-successful crash test Dec. 8 to assess a newly designed and significantly shorter concrete barrier's performance when it is contacted at 50 mph by an 80,000-pound tractor-tanker truck.
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December 07, 2021 - Researchers from the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (MwRSF) will conduct a rare tractor-tanker vehicle crash on Wednesday, Dec. 8, to test how a newly designed and significantly shorter concrete roadside barrier performs in a vehicle crash.
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December 03, 2021 - Students in AGEN/BSEN 100, an entry-level engineering course showcased their autonomous vehicle designs and networked with industry representatives during the annual E-Day event, Nov. 30 at the Nebraska East Union.
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December 03, 2021 - Travis Deyle, a 2005 electronics engineering & computer engineering graduate and co-founder and CEO of Cobalt Robotics, will receive the Citation for Alumni Achievement during the University of Nebraska Omaha commencement ceremony Dec. 17 at Baxter Arena.
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November 29, 2021 - Taking lessons learned from animals who work in groups in the sky, on the ground and underwater, a team of Nebraska engineers is creating algorithms that can help individual agents in emerging technologies work together to improve our lives.
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November 23, 2021 - Samuel Underwood, a Ph.D. student in architectural engineering with an emphasis in acoustics, has been selected to receive two prestigious fellowships from the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) to support his graduate studies.
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November 19, 2021 - The Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering (MME), created 10 years ago through the merger of two units, recently celebrated that anniversary and a decade in which it has continued to thrive and grow.
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November 12, 2021 - The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is transforming its Department of Computer Science and Engineering into the School of Computing, which is now fully housed in the College of Engineering.
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November 11, 2021 - A team of Nebraska engineers are developing a process of using picosecond-long laser pulses to modify the surface of copper and thereby increasing heat transfer capabilities for power generation, refrigeration, and air conditioning.
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