
Nebraska Engineering students were part of the Nebraska Theme Park Design Group, which designed and built a new attraction - the Superhero Swing - for the Lincoln Children's Museum.
March 13, 2018 - A new children’s museum attraction created by College of Engineering students uses pulleys to help kids feel as strong as their favorite superheroes.  Full Story

Chaz Ginger (left), a graduate research assistant, and Ron Faller, Midwest Roadside Safety Facility director, measure the height of a guardrail used in a test.
March 06, 2018 - Engineers and students at the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (MwRSF) are creating and testing the next generation of devices which save lives on our nation’s roadways.  Full Story

Engineering students took part in community service projects on Saturday, March 3 as part of the Complete Engineer Conference.
March 05, 2018 - More than 80 engineering students took part in service projects across Lincoln on Saturday to cap the 2018 Complete Engineer Conference, the premier leadership conference for the college’s engineering students.  Full Story

Recent Environmental Engineering graduate Deanna Ringenberg
March 01, 2018 - Deanna Ringenberg, a graduate of the Environmental Engineering program, earned the American Water Works Association Small Systems Division Best Paper Award.  Full Story

Three faculty from the Department of Biological Systems Engineering -- (from left) John Hay, extension educator; Nicole Iverson assistant professor; and Santosh Pitla, assistant professor -- will be given awards on Friday, March 2 at the Holling Family Award Program for Teaching Excellence.
February 28, 2018 - Three faculty members from the Department of Biological Systems Engineering -- John Hay, Nicole Iverson and Santosh Pitla -- will be given awards Friday, March 2 at the Holling Family Award Program for Teaching Excellence.  Full Story

A team of construction management students from The Durham School earned a Merit Award at the ASC Region 6 & 7 National Student Competition in Reno, Nevada.
February 27, 2018 - A team of eight Durham School construction management students recently brought home a Merit Award in the ASC Region 6 & 7 National Student Competition in Reno, Nevada.  Full Story

The Complete Engineer Conference is March 2-3 at Nebraska Innovation Campus.
February 26, 2018 - The Complete Engineer Conference, the premier leadership development conference for collegiate engineering students in Nebraska, will take place this Friday and Saturday, March 2-3, on Nebraska Innovation Campus.  Full Story

Christine Wittich, assistant professor of civil engineering.
February 26, 2018 - Christine Wittich, assistant professor of civil engineering, is building on her research into earthquake engineering by studying how seismic activity generated by explosives used in the Cather-Pound demolitions affected surrounding structures  Full Story

Terri Norton, associate professor of construction engineering.
February 13, 2018 - Terri Norton, associate professor of construction engineering, was chosen to receive the BEYA Educational Leadership – College-Level Promotion of Education Award for her work in promoting STEM education.  Full Story