
Eric Markvicka has collaborated with researchers at Virginia Tech to develop octopus-inspired glove that gives divers a reliable grasp on objects underwater.
August 02, 2022 - Nebraska Engineering's Eric Markvicka has collaborated with researchers at Virginia Tech to develop octopus-inspired glove that gives divers a reliable grasp on objects underwater.  Full Story

A surgical robot, developed by Shane Farritor, the David and Nancy Lederer Professor of Engineering and chief technology officer of Virtual Incision, will be tested on the International Space Station in 2024.
August 02, 2022 - A miniaturized surgical robot invented by Shane Farritor, the David and Nancy Lederer Professor of Engineering and chief technology officer of Virtual Incision, is being prepped for testing aboard the International Space Station.  Full Story

Brandi Brown, postdoctoral researcher in the Industrial Agricultural Products Center.
July 22, 2022 - Brandi Brown, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Industrial Agricultural Products Center, has been chosen to receive a USDA Postdoctoral Fellowship.  Full Story

Kelli Kopocis, assistant professor of practice in the Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction
July 22, 2022 - Kelli Kopocis, assistant professor of practice in the Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction is among 16 faculty selected the inaugural University of Nebraska system's inaugural class of leadership development fellows.  Full Story

The NIMBUS Lab at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is working on a new algorithm to control drone swarms.
July 22, 2022 - Led by Justin Bradley, the Nebraska Intelligent MoBile Unmanned Systems Lab at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is working to develop an algorithm to control drone swarms for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance missions.  Full Story

Keegan Moore, assistant professor of mechanical and materials engineering.
July 19, 2022 - Why does walking require more energy as people age? Keegan Moore’s team is part of a UNL-UNO collaboration using cutting-edge technology to collect data and develop algorithms that provide elusive answers to that question.  Full Story

During crash tests, a Dodge quad-cab pickup struck the portable barriers at 62 miles per hour. (Midwest Roadside Safety Facility)
July 13, 2022 - A barrier-connecting prototype, designed at the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility, helped portable concrete barriers maintain their structural integrity when tested in a high-speed crash involving a 5,000-pound pickup truck.  Full Story

An atomic-level rendering of the material known as hafnium oxide, which consists of one hafnium atom (white) for every two oxygen (red). Bucking years of conventional wisdom, Husker researchers have shown that the material’s most technologically appealing property can emerge from unexpected conditions. (Adapted from figure in Nature Materials / Springer Nature)
July 12, 2022 - Jeffrey Shield is part of a UNL materials researchers who have shown that larger grains of hafnium oxide produce higher-quality, more relaiable ferroelectricity, contrary to long-held notions about the material.  Full Story

Tirthankar Roy, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, is part of National Drought Mitigation Center team researching the relationship between civil unrest and weather/climate. (Craig Chandler / University Communication)
July 12, 2022 - Tirthankar Roy is part on a team of National Drought Mitigation Center researchers working on a $1 million grant from U.S. Air Force Weather to study links between weather/climate and civil unrest.  Full Story

Heidi Diefes-Dux, professor of biological systems engineering, and Jena Asgarpoor, director of the Master of Engineering Management program.
July 08, 2022 - Heidi Diefes-Dux was named a Fellow Member and Jena Asgarpoor recieved the Keating Award, leading a spate of awards and honors earned by Nebraska Engineering faculty and students at the annual ASEE conference June 26-29.  Full Story