
A team of Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction students' design was chosen as the 2022 NCEES Engineering Education Award grand prize winner.
July 06, 2022 - A design submitted by a team of students from the Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction was chosen to receive the $25,000 grand prize of the 2022 NCEES Engineering Education Award.  Full Story

School of Computing faculty Leen-Kiat Soh (left) and Brittany Duncan (right) join Wendy Smith and Mindi Searls on a team of Husker reserachers spearheading a new five-year, $3 million project funded by the National Science Foundation.
July 05, 2022 - School of Computing faculty Leen-Kiat Soh and Brittany Duncan are part of a University of Nebraska–Lincoln team that is leading a 22-institution research collaboration aimed at smoothing the transitions of students at 2-year colleges to 4-year colleges.  Full Story

Deconstructed parts of a Tesla Model, photo provided by Caresoft images.
June 22, 2022 - The Midwest Roadside Safety Facility is the recipient of a significant data donation from Caresoft Global, a vehicle data benchmarking organization that is offering a database of detailed data for electric vehicles to further roadside safety research.  Full Story

Benjamin Riggan, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, is part of WatchID — a team of researchers from across the country participating in a competitive federal government research program to develop software systems capable of performing whole-body biometric identification from long distances and at elevated pitch angles. (Craig Chandler / University Communication)
June 21, 2022 - Benjamin Riggan and the WatchID team of researchers from across the U.S. are working in a competitive federal research grant program to develop software systems for whole-body biometric identification.  Full Story

Wei Bao, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering
June 20, 2022 - Researchers, including Nebraska Engineering's Wei Bao and his team, have developed a new photonics device that could get scientists closer to the "holy grail" of quantum materials - finding the global minimum of mathematical formulas at room temperature.  Full Story

Jazmin Ley, a Ph.D. student in mechanical engineering and applied mechanics.
June 15, 2022 - Jazmin Ley, a doctoral student in mechanical engineering and applied mechanics, has earned a Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Laboratory Residency Graduate Fellowship and a Milton E. Mohr fellowship.  Full Story

Conceived by faculty and developed by undergraduate students, Prairie Protector is helping high schoolers learn about the invasive eastern redcedar tree — by giving them a chance to eradicate it from digital grasslands.
June 15, 2022 - Prairie Protector – a computer game conceived by University of Nebraska–Lincoln faculty and developed by Husker undergrads – is spreading the word about redcedar, an invader that is endangering native plant and animal species, the livelihoods of ranchers,  Full Story

Members of the Big Red Satellite Team assist in the inflation of a high-altitude balloon in April 2021. The team of UNL and area students in grades 7-12 is scheduled to launch a payload of perovskite solar panels on Saturday, June 18 from Nebraska Innovation Campus.
June 11, 2022 - On June 18, less than a year before its solar panel payload must be ready to fly on a NASA mission, a team of College of Engineering students and Nebraska middle and high school students, will test the payload by sending it nearly 20 miles into the sky.  Full Story

Thirty-six students from the College of Engineering are among the 175 University of Nebraska–Lincoln undergraduate students awarded stipends from the university to participate in research with a faculty mentor this summer.
May 23, 2022 - Thirty-six students from the College of Engineering are among the 175 University of Nebraska–Lincoln undergraduate students awarded stipends from the university to participate in research with a faculty mentor this summer.  Full Story

Tian Zhang, professor of civil and environmental engineering, has been chosen for inclusion in 2022 class of ASCE Distinguished Members.
May 13, 2022 - Tian Zhang, professor of civil and environmental engineering, has been selected by the American Society of Civil Engineers as a Distinguished Member, the association's highest honor.  Full Story