
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the College of Engineering are part of a recently announced Lincoln STEM Ecosystem aimed at fostering positive STEM interactions for students.
April 11, 2019 - The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is part of a new Lincoln-based STEM ecosystem selected to join a global movement devoted to dramatically improving how students learn.  Full Story

Michael Sealy has received a $500,000 National Science Foundation award to support his research into using 3D metal printers to create strong, dissolvable medical implants. The approach may also be used to manufacture military and transportation components and for emerging technologies. (Craig Chandler / University Communication)
April 09, 2019 - Michael Sealy has received a $500,000 National Science Foundation Early Career award to support his research into using 3D metal printers to create strong, dissolvable medical implants.  Full Story

The Nebraska construction management team won the Race to Build competition, held April 5-7 in Bristol, Tennessee. Three teams of university students compete to build houses over three days. The houses are given to veteran families in that area.
April 08, 2019 - A Nebraska construction management team took first place and set an event speed record at the annual Race to Build competition April 5-7 in Bristol, Tennessee, and provided homes for veteran families.  Full Story

Recipients of the inaugural Student Luminary Awards include (from left) Charlie Adams, Colton Harper, Mishala Lewis, Hunter Traynor, Mariah Houston, Ashley Mulcahy Toney, Guari Ramesh, Kai Meacham and Adam Hubrig. Not pictured is Anthony Stephenson. (University Communication)
April 04, 2019 - Three Nebraska Engineering students -- Kai Meacham, Gauri Ramesh and Colton Harper -- were among the 10 University of Nebraska-Lincoln students chosen to receive the inaugural Student Luminary Awards.  Full Story

Phoebe, one of the new giraffes at the Lincoln Children's Zoo, plays with the hanging spoons on an enrichment item created by Nebraska Engineering students in the Theme Park Design Group. (Lincoln Journal Star photo)
April 03, 2019 - Nebraska Engineering students learn valuable lessons in fabrication and the engineering process by creating enrichment items - aka toys - that will help to keep the new giraffes at Lincoln Children's Zoo occupied and healthy.  Full Story

Christos Argyropoulos, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering. (University Communication)
April 03, 2019 - Christos Argyropoulos, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, discusses the interdisciplinary approach in an interview with Optics & Photonics News.  Full Story

Dr. Clarence Waters
March 28, 2019 - On this weeks Complete Engineering Podcast, Clarence Waters shares how The Durham School architectural engineering program developed a unique relationship with the abundant local industry and how that helped the AE program become a giant success.  Full Story

Rear Admiral Douglas J. McAneny
March 25, 2019 - Taking advantage of every opportunity to network is an important reason that 1978 civil engineering graduate Doug McAneny rose to the rank of rear admiral in the U.S. Navy and in his transition to the role of federal business group president for HDR Inc.  Full Story

When engineers tested air conditioner condensers that got dirty in real-world conditions in a lab, they found no correlation between how efficiently this equipment operated vs how dirty they were.
March 22, 2019 - Conventional wisdom says you should clean your air conditioner condenser every spring, but a study by David Yuill shows it probably doesn't make the AC work better.  Full Story