
Front: Dan Snow, Water Sciences Laboratory; Manish Kumar, WARI fellow; Jesse Starita, Water for Food Institute; Rajesh Singh, WARI fellow. Middle: Chittaranjan Ray, Nebraska Water Center; Rajeev Pratap Singh, WARI fellow; Sanjeeb Mohapatra, WARI intern; Himanshu Kumar Khuntia, WARI intern. Back: Pat Shea, School of Natural Resources, UNL; Alan Kolok, professor, Biology, UNO; Khalid Muzamil Gani, WARI intern; Arindam Malakar, WARI intern. Also pictured is Rufai Ayuba, visiting scholar, Water Sciences Lab
October 04, 2016 - The Water Advanced Research and Innovation (WARI) Fellowship Program brings Ph.D. students and professors from universities in India to the University of Nebraska to work with faculty mentors on water quality issues.  Full Story

Mechanical and materials engineering alumnus Kyle Hanquist is part of a team competing for the $500,000 top prize on The Golf Channel's "Driver vs. Driver."
October 03, 2016 - Combining a love for playing golf with expertise in aerodynamics, Nebraska Engineering alumnus Kyle Hanquist has designs on winning The Golf Channel reality show.  Full Story

Mark Bauer, professor of practice in electrical and computer engineering
September 29, 2016 - TV station KOLN/KGIN looks at how professor of practice Mark Bauer and his electrical and computer engineering students find inventive solutions.  Full Story

Daniel Linzell (left), chair of civil engineering, and Chungwook Sim, assistant professor of civil engineering, are co-principal investigators on a collaborative effort with UNO's College of Information Science and Technology, on an NSF-funded project that aims to use big data solutions to improve the way bridge infrastructure is monitored for potential failures.
September 28, 2016 - Two UNL civil engineering faculty are part of an NSF-funded collaboration with UNO to use big data to improve monitoring of bridge infrastructure for potential failures.  Full Story

A team of UNL engineers - (from left) Yong-Rak Kim, professor of civil engineering; doctoral students Mahdieh Khedmati, Charles Nguyen and Gabriel Nsengiyumva; and Joseph Turner, Robert W. Brightfelt professor of mechanical engineering - is working to find greener, cheaper and more durable concrete mixtures with alternative and recycled materials.
September 28, 2016 - Civil and mechanical and materials engineers get small in their search for cheaper, greener concrete mixtures made from alternative binders and recycled materials.  Full Story

Chungwook Sim surveying a building with short captive columns
September 22, 2016 - Chungwook Sim, assistant professor of civil engineering, recently led a team of researchers to Ecuador to assess earthquake damage and evaluate a vulnerability index for building damage.  Full Story

Scott Schenkelberg, a senior mechanical engineering major, is among the 20 UNL students chosen as Homecoming royalty finalists.
September 21, 2016 - Scott Schenkelberg, a senior mechanical engineering major, is a finalist for UNL Homecoming royalty. The king and queen, elected by a student-body vote, will be crowned Oct. 1 at halftime of the Illinois football game.  Full Story

Rafael Estrada (left) with Civil Engineering students Darshan Baral and Yutian Lei
September 19, 2016 - AWWA/WEF students attended World O! Water, a water pollution education event.  Full Story

Firdavskhon Nasimov places an experiment into the payload area of a suborbital sounding rocket that was launched from the Wallops Flight Facility in August. Nasimov also is part of a team of Nebraska Engineering students recently awarded a $200,000 NASA grant to design and build a retractable boom suitable for space vehicle. (Berit Bland / NASA)
September 15, 2016 - Engineering students are getting a taste of what it's like to work on a NASA team, thanks to an unusual $200,000 grant awarded by the agency in collaboration with the NASA Nebraska Space Grant Consortium.  Full Story

Don Cox, adjunct faculty in the department of electrical and computer engineering
September 12, 2016 - Don Cox, adjunct faculty in electrical and computer engineering, returned to the Sandhills Open Road Challenge and raced one of his Tesla electric cars, reaching a top speed of 121.6 mph in one event.  Full Story