Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 1992
- M.A.Sc., Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 1988
- Honours B.A.Sc., Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 1987
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Multimodal transportation systems analysis
- Transportation planning and operations
- Dynamic network modeling and optimization
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
Honors and Awards
- Zachry Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1997
- Dick and Joyce Birdwell Endowed Teaching Award, 1998-1999
- Texas Transportation Trinity Researcher Award, 2002
- UNL College of Engineering Research and Creative Activity Award, Professor, 2007
- UNL College of Engineering Faculty Service Award, 2008
- UNL College of Engineering Research and Creative Activity Award, Professor, 2017
Selected Publications
Zhao, Li, L. R. Rilett, and E. Tufuor. “Calibrating The Robertson’s Platoon Dispersion Model at Coordinated Corridor with Advance Warning Flashers,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2623 (2017): DOI 10.3141/2623-02.
Tufuor, Ernest, L. R. Rilett, and P. TenHulzen. “In-Vehicle Evaluation of Milled Rumble Strips at Pre- and Post-Chip-Sealed Maintenance Periods,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2612 (2017): 47-59.
Anusha, Nair, Lelitha Vanajakshi, Shankar Subramanian and L. R. Rilett. “Cycle-by-Cycle Analysis of Signalized Intersections for Varying Traffic Conditions with Erroneous Detector Data,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 143, Issue 8, (August 2017): http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/JTEPBS.0000059.
Chen, Yifeng and L. R. Rilett. “A Train Data Collection and Arrival Time Prediction System for Highway-Rail Grade Crossings,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2608 (2017): 96-104.
Appiah, Justice, Bhaven Naik, L. R. Rilett, and Scott Sorensen. “Calibrating Truck Characteristics into Traffic Microsimulation,” Transport, Volume 169 Issue 4 (August, 2016): 187-194.
Anusha, Nair, Anuj Sharma, Lelitha Vanajakshi, Shankar Subramanian and L. R. Rilett. “A Model Based Approach for Queue and Delay Estimation at Signalized Intersections with Erroneous Automated Data,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 142, Issue 5 (May 2016): http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000835.
Eisele, William, B. Naik, and L. R. Rilett. “Estimating Route Travel Time Reliability from Simultaneously Collected Link and Route Vehicle Probe Data and Roadway Sensor Data,” International Journal of Urban Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 3 (November 2015): 286-304.
Appiah, J., L. R. Rilett, B. Naik, and R. Wojtal. “Driver Response to an Actuated Advance Warning System,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 139, Issue 5, (May 2013): 433-440.
Lahiri, S. N., C. Spiegelman, J. Appiah, and L. R. Rilett. “Gap bootstrap methods for Massive Data Sets with an Application to the OD Matrix Estimation Problem in Transportation Engineering,” Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 6, Number 4 (2012): 552-1587.
Appiah, J, B. Naik, R. Wojtal and L. R. Rilett. “Safety Effectiveness of Actuated Advance Warning Systems,” Transportation Research Record, no. 2250 (2011): 195-204.
Spiegelman, C. H., E. S. Park, and L. R. Rilett. Transportation Statistics and Microsimulation. Chapman and Hall / CRC Press, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0023-2