
A student team from The Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction took second place overall at the recent Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) Competition.
April 04, 2016 - A team of six students from The Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction earned UNL's highest finish ever at an Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) Competition March 31-April 1 in Worcester, Massachusetts.  Full Story

Clarence Waters, professor of architectural engineering and industry liaison.
April 04, 2016 - Clarence Waters, professor of architectural engineering, is honored as the AEI 2016 Outstanding Architectural Engineering Educator Award for his work in the classroom and his role in elevating the program to national prominence.  Full Story

Christopher Davidson, a senior in biological systems engineering, has been chosen a recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
March 31, 2016 - Christopher Davidson, a senior in biological systems engineering, has been chosen to receive a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. He plans to use the grant to further research into cell and tissue engineering.  Full Story

UNL architectural engineering major Kevin McIntyre talks to the judges as the MESC team presents its design at the MCAA National Student Design Competition. The UNL team won the competition and McIntyre won the $5,000 Foster McCarl Jr. Memorial Scholarship.
March 31, 2016 - The UNL student chapter of Mechanical-Electrical Specialty Contracting (MESC) led a sweep of the major awards at the Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) conference March 20-24 in Orlando, Florida.  Full Story

Jinsong Huang, Susan J. Rosowski associate professor of mechanical and materials engineering, holds a crystal that can detect significantly smaller doses of X-rays than materials used in leading commercial detectors, as reported in a new study published by the journal Nature Photonics. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communications)
March 25, 2016 - Sticks and stones may break bones, but a research group led by UNL mechanical and materials engineering faculty and post doctoral researchers has set out to ensure that the ensuing X-ray will never hurt you.  Full Story

J.K. Osiri, director of UNL's international business program and associate professor of practice in management, meets with engineering and business students to discuss the team's project to help the Kinawataka Women Initiatives in Kampala, Uganda.
March 18, 2016 - A unique team of UNL engineering and business students will travel to Uganda over spring break to complete an engineering capstone and social entrepreneurship project to assist an organization that helps marginalized women.  Full Story

While in the Army, Zachary Meade was a bomb squad technician. Now a UNL electrical and computer engineering student in Omaha, Meade is looking forward to a career that would use engineering, military and research backgrounds to make better prosthetic devices for wounded veterans.
March 14, 2016 - After working in bomb disposal unit of Army, electrical engineering major Zachary Meade lands in Omaha with goal of doing prosthesis research to help wounded fellow veterans.  Full Story

Greg Hyslop, a UNL electrical engineering alumnus, has been promoted to Senior Vice President of Engineering, Test & Technology of The Boeing Company.
March 14, 2016 - Greg Hyslop, a member of the College of Engineering Advisory Board and a 1980 electrical engineering graduate, has been promoted to senior vice president of Boeing Engineering, Test & Technology of The Boeing Company.  Full Story

Randy Peters, associate professor of practice in civil engineering, is teaching a senior design capstone course after retiring as director/state engineer of the Nebraska Department of Roads.
March 09, 2016 - After 38 years at the Nebraska Department of Roads, the last three as director, Randy Peters said it was "a natural fit" for him to return to UNL to teach the civil engineering senior design capstone course.  Full Story

Curtis Tomasevicz, lecturer in electrical and computer engineering, shows a squat bar with sensors that are used to measure athletic performance in the Nebraska Athletic Performance Laboratory in Memorial Stadium. Tomasevicz, also a graduate student in biological systems engineering, is working at NAPL while doing doctoral research into how athletes create power while jumping vertically.
March 09, 2016 - From playing football for the Huskers and pushing a bobsled at the Olympics, Curtis Tomasevicz learned much about generating force on a horizontal plane. Now doing his doctoral research, Tomasevicz is taking off in a new direction.  Full Story