
Mark Riley (left), department head and professor of biological systems engineering, and Tian Zhang, professor of civil engineering, are among the eight UNL faculty who have been named fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
November 23, 2015 - Mark Riley, department head and professor of biological systems engineering, and Tian Zhang, professor of civil engineering, are among eight UNL faculty members who have been named fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.  Full Story

A team of UNL engineering faculty - Mehmet Can Vuran, associate professor of computer science and engineering; Changbum Ahn, assistant professor of construction engineering; and Terry Stentz, associate professor of construction engineering and management - is hoping to help make construction sites safer by studying the way construction workers interact with their job-site environments.
November 20, 2015 - Inspired by a former graduate student who is a construction contractor and iron worker, three UNL engineers are hoping their upcoming project will help make construction job sites safer.  Full Story

Daktronics founder Al Kurtenbach, who received a master's degree in electrical engineering from UNL, speaks to students in the ELEC 121 class during Masters Week in early November.
November 20, 2015 - Al Kurtenbach knew little about running a business when he started Daktronics, but after nearly a half century of building an electronics manufacturing giant the UNL Alumni Master advised engineering students to prepare to change their plans.  Full Story

Omaha Couple Tom Grady and Lindsay Grady
November 09, 2015 - An Omaha couple is turning tragedy into triumph after losing their son to a rare form of meningitis earlier this summer. The family is now working with local doctors to find a way to help save other babies' lives. View the archived KETV-7 story.  Full Story

Srivatsan Kidambi, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering
November 09, 2015 - By simulating the growth of cancerous tumors, a new synthetic platform developed UNL engineers could accelerate the testing of breast cancer treatments and has revealed a potential source of the body's resistance to a therapeutic drug.  Full Story

Austin Yates (right), a civil engineering graduate, has his picture taken with "Jeopardy!" host Alex Trebek after Yates appeared on an episode that was recorded in late August.
November 05, 2015 - The week he appeared as a contestant on "Jeopardy!" was full of highs and lows, but civil engineering graduate Austin Yates wouldn't trade the experience of living out a lifelong dream.  Full Story

The Durham School will celebrate the International Year of Light 2015 with events on Thursday, November 5.
November 03, 2015 - <span>To honor its Architectural Engineering lighting program and the International Year of Light, The Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction will host a Nov. 5 celebration at the Peter Kiewit Institute in Omaha.</span>  Full Story

Morris Schneider, former associate dean and longtime college of engineering faculty member.
November 02, 2015 - Former associate dean Morris Schneider, who served the College of Engineering for nearly six decades (including more than 40 years as a faculty member and administrator), died October 28 at age 91.  Full Story

Construction management students from the Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction get a tour of the JE Dunn Logistics Center on October 22 in Overland Park, Kan.
October 28, 2015 - Construction management students and faculty from The Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction got a taste of the working world during a recent trip to the Kansas City metropolitan area.  Full Story

By attaching the handlebars to a set of gears, a normal bicycle is transformed into a "Reverse Operating Bike" that goes left when the bars are turned right and goes right when the bars are turned left.
October 27, 2015 - With the help of a bicycle that operates "backwards," engineering students are learning that solving some problems is not always "as easy as riding a bike."  Full Story