
Eric Markvicka, assistant professor of mechanical and materials engineering, is developing new processes for manufacturing rubber that will improve the capabilities of controlling its electrical, thermal and mechanical properties.
November 08, 2021 - Through an NSF grant, Eric Markvicka, assistant professor of mechanical and materials engineering, is developing new processes for manufacturing rubber that will improve the capabilities of controlling its electrical, thermal and mechanical properties.  Full Story

Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, department chair and professor of civil and environmental engineering, and student Spencer Perry discuss a wastewater sample from the Harper Schramm Smith residence halls.
November 08, 2021 - To meet workforce demands and public concern for environmental quality, a new environmental engineering undergraduate degree program will begin in Fall 2022.  Full Story

Beyond developing students individually, the new Peter Kiewit Foundation Engineering Academy in the College of Engineering will increase access and enhance diversity by removing financial barriers to engineering education and encouraging and supporting more Nebraska women to pursue careers in engineering, computing and construction.
November 08, 2021 - The Peter Kiewit Foundation Engineering Academy in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering will provide new possibilities for the next generation of professionals in engineering, computing and construction.  Full Story

Among the award winners at the 2021 NUtech Ventures Innovator Awards event were (clockwise from top left), Ron Faller, the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility, Jackson Stansell and Eric Markvicka.
November 03, 2021 - Engineering faculty Ron Faller and Eric Markvicka, graduate student Jackson Stansell and the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility were among the award recipients on Nov. 1 at the 2021 NUtech Ventures Innovator Celebration, part of Nebraska Research Days.  Full Story

Hamid Bagheri (left) and Lisong Xu are using a $750,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a tool that will address one of the most significant drivers of internet congestion: buggy congestion control algorithms. (Craig Chandler / University Communication)
November 02, 2021 - Lisong Xu and Hamid Bagheri are using a $750,000 NSF grant to develop a tool that will address one of the most significant drivers of network congestion: buggy congestion control algorithms, which to internet freeze or interrupted video streaming.  Full Story

(From left) Maher Tadros, distinguished emeritus professor of civil and environmental engineering (CEE), Bob Risser, president and CEO of PCI, David Gee, a structural engineer at e.Construct and former graduate student in CEE, Micheal Assad, a structural engineer at Kiewit and former graduate student in CEE, and Chungwook Sim, assistant professor of CEE.
October 27, 2021 - A team of researchers from Civil and Environmental Engineering was chosen to receive the PCI Journal's George D. Nasser Award for their paper, "Flexural Design of Precast, Prestressed Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Members."  Full Story

University of Nebraska at Omaha and University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers have been awarded $5 million by the Department of Defense Army Corps of Engineers for research to extend the lifespan of bridges through new monitoring technology.
October 27, 2021 - University of Nebraska at Omaha and University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers have been awarded $5 million by the Department of Defense Army Corps of Engineers for research to extend the lifespan of bridges through new monitoring technology.  Full Story

The College of Engineering has added nine new faculty for 2021-22, increasing total faculty hires to 54 over the past five years.
October 22, 2021 - The College of Engineering has added nine new faculty for 2021-22, increasing total faculty hires to 54 over the past five years. Three faculty were also added to the Department of Biological Systems Engineering on East Campus.  Full Story

The inaugural cohort of Kiewit Scholars includes (from left) Grace Kerr, Taylor Hosick, Carolyn Fairchild, Nicole Dirks, Wyatt Cassidy, Scott Tvrdy, Hayden Wulf, Matt Feldmann, Felicity Sierra, and Rebeca Young.
October 22, 2021 - Ten first-year students have been chosen to be the inaugural cohort of the Kiewit Scholars Program in the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s College of Engineering. More than 325 applications were received for the new program.  Full Story

Military members work in an open server rack. The university has earned a $25 million contract with the National Nuclear Security Administration. The work will support strategic deterrence and nuclear threat reduction efforts. (Shutterstock)
October 20, 2021 - Electrical and Computer Engineering researchers Wei Qiao and Mark Bauer are supporting a new $25 million contract between the University of Nebraska's National Strategic Research Institute and the National Nuclear Security Administration.  Full Story