Coherent Astrella femtosecond laser

Photo of Coherent Astrella Femtosecond Laser The Astrella laser is a femtosecond laser system from Coherent that produces 35 fs pulses and is designed to be very stable (0.5% rms power stability), with a high beam quality (M2 < 1.25). There are three available beam lines with specifications included in the table above. To complement the Astrella laser, a large range of sample translation stages, beam manipulation optics, and spectroscopy equipment are available upon request.

Applications of the Astrella laser include:
  • micro/nanoscale surface texturing
  • surface functionalization
  • machining
  • precision cutting and drilling
  • spectroscopy
Experimental setups can be customized to specific user applications. The laser is operated by trained laser specialists who assist all end users of the laser.

Pulse Energy Central wavelength Repetition rate
6 mJ 800 nm 1 kHz
3 mJ 400 nm 1 kHz
250 mW (average power) 800 nm 80 MHz

Manufacturing & Analysis

  • Micro/nanoscale surface texturing
  • Surface functionalization
  • Precision cutting and drilling
  • Spectroscopy


  • Pulse width: 35 fs
  • 3 available beam lines:
    • 6 mJ, 1 kHz, 800 nm
    • 3 mJ, 1 kHz, 400 nm
    • 250 mW, 80 Mhz, 800 nm
  • Stability: < 0.5% rms
  • Beam quality: M2 < 1.25