HR Procedures

College of Engineering Staff Alternative Worksite Arrangements Policy

Revised effective July 1, 2023
The University of Nebraska and College of Engineering Alternative Worksite Arrangements Policies embrace a flexible work environment with appropriate parameters. At the same time, our policies make a clear statement about the value of an in-person, vibrant campus culture – something our students expect and deserve, and which is crucial to the overall success of the university. See University of Nebraska System HR-03: Alternative Worksite Policy effective January 1, 2023.

The purpose of COE policy is to describe specific College alterative workplace arrangements expectations, along with COE request and approval processes. More information on University Alternative Worksite Arrangements can be found here. University and COE policies apply to all administrative, managerial/professional, office/service, and student employees holding regular, temporary, or on-call appointments.
COE Staff Alternative Worksite Arrangements Policy Instructions for COE AWS Arrangements Request Submission via Firefly

Hiring Form

Faculty and Staff may use this form to request an offer letter and/or PAF to hire or rehire students, Graduate Assistants or Post-Doctoral Research Associates. This form is used to document hiring approval, salary, funding source and FTE. The supervisor should complete this form and submit to the department’s PAF/Administrative coordinator.

Hiring Form

Salary Determination

Use to provide additional information sometimes required to determine appropriate salaries and wage rates.
Salary Determination

Salary Guidelines for College of Engineering Graduate Research and Teaching Assistants

Graduate Assistantship Policy Graduate Assistantship Policy - Addendum

Salary Guidelines for College of Engineering Postdoctoral Research Associates

Salary Hiring Guidelines

Temporary Hire Form

You must use this form when hiring any position that does not require a formal search process.
Temporary Hire Form

UNL Handbook for the Employment of Non-Resident Aliens

The following handbook is meant to guide University of Nebraska ─ Lincoln (UNL) units regarding points to consider and processes involved when seeking to employ or host foreign nationals (also referred to as non-resident aliens).
UNL Handbook for the Employment of Non-Resident Aliens
