Network Outage Reminder (2024-05-17)

Reminder, network outage for SEC starting Friday 17-May.  WiFi should be up Monday 20-May.  Rest of the network in the building will follow.  It is supposed to all be up by Friday 24-May-2024.  [See Below for details.]

Duo Authentication Problem (2024-05-13 14:15)

Duo authentication issue going right now. [2024-05-13 15:00 -- Resolved.  Was a Duo nationwide issue apparently]

Zoom Authentication Problem (2024-05-01 07:30)

Zoom is currently running in an unauthenticated mode--meetings will end at 40 minutes (you can just restart the meeting).  Recordings may not work.  They will not connect to our rooms that use Codecs.  Resolved.

SEC Network Outage (coming 17-May-2024 for a week)

SEC occupants,

 The network in SEC will be shut down for 2 to 7 days so the first-floor network room can be rebuilt. 

 The proposed shutdown schedule is as follows:

Room teardown to begin Friday evening, May 17th (no network access)

Wireless is restored, Monday May 20th

Network restored (tentatively) Friday, May 24th

 Please let your colleagues not copied on this email, as well as undergraduate and graduate students know about the network shutdown. 

 We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


More EM16 changes (15-Mar-2024)

ITS made another of changes today (15-Mar-2024, changefd from 1-March-2024).  If your system is not set to UEFI, Secure boot, and have its drive encrypted, and Software Center, Cortex, & Nessus software installed, you will likely have had changed the network 'level' you operate at.  This may or may not affect what you do.  Send an email to for assistance.

Kiewit Hall Information (25-Jan-2024)

Currently classrooms on 2nd and 3rd floors are mostly functional for local classes, with only A203 having room audio and A235 non functional.  None of the rooms have microphone nor zoom audio/video functionality yet. See Kiewit Hall Status

Next ITS EM16 change coming 1-March-2024

By March 1, 2024 you need to be logging into your computer with your University Identity (ie, hhusker1), and on Windows you need to be setup so that you have to press ctrl-alt-delete to login.  If you're not logging in that way you won't be compliant and will start having network access issues after that time.  There are additional things that need to be done, but those are two good indicators.

BYOD changes needed after August 1, 2023

After August 1, ITS made further changes to their requirements for BYOD.  Just running the VPN may not be enough to get you to a proper level to connect to things anymore.  See personal device security from ITS

Archived News


Click/Tap to see software available to College of Engineering affiliated people.

UNL Antivirus Cortex XDR install

2020-09-24: ITS is asking for immediate action to install Cortex antivirus on all university computers.  There is a serious credible threat.  More information can be found here. (Palo Alto Cortex XDR is the replacement for Symantec AV.)

If you have a Surface Pro X, there is currently no Cortex for the ARM version of Windows yet.  So there is nothing to install.

Mac 10.15+ systems may need this information about full disk access.

Learning and Collaboration Spaces

The College of Engineering supports a number of rooms for local and remote teaching and collaboration. Most rooms are equipped with computers, whiteboards, conferencing equipment, document cameras and wireless video. They are suitable for Blended and Flipped Learning, small groups, and traditional lecture style.

Rooms managed by the Dean's Office may be scheduled through the CoE Room Reservation System - Lincoln Reservations | Scott Campus Reservations

Get information about the CoE rooms.


Information useful mainly for students can be found here.

Miscellaneous Information

Information that doesn't easily fit in its own category.

Status / Outage Information

Click for any status / outage updates we have on systems.

Engineering and Computing Education Core

For instructional design and teaching practices assistance, visit the Engineering and Computing Education Core page