There is no single specification set regarding a personal computer for use in your studies. Most incoming students use a notebook for portability. Most computers will be adequate since the majority of use will likely be word processing, email, and web browsing; however, the key concept to focus on is "software delivery." Not every platform will run the specialized software packages your field of study may use. While it is possible for the new Apple Silicon processors to run Windows via virtualization, Microsoft only supports its Windows 11 ARM version, which may not be compatible with software written for the x86.
Please check with your department to see if they have additional requirements.
If you already own a computer, before making any additional purchases, you may want to wait until classes start so you can make a better assessment of your needs.
If you are considering a new computer, it should have:
- Minimum of 16GB of RAM
- Core i7 or greater/equivalent CPU
- Minimum of 500GB of storage (an NVMe drive is recommended)
- Windows 11
- WiFi adapter (WiFi 7 is the latest)
- A graphics adapter, preferably NVIDIA, is recommended