CHME - UOL - Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Unit Operations Laboratory
Equipment Specifications
- Centrifugal pump equipped with a variable frequency drive (VFD) to manipulate pump speed.
- 2 Rosemount® orifice plate flow meters to measure flow.
- Fisher® control valve for flow throttling.
- 21 m pipe manifold with 2, 1.5, 1, and 0.75 inch piping.
- Equipment is operated using the DeltaV™ DCS.
Possible Experimental Objectives
- Calibration of an orifice plate flow meter.
- Centrifugal pump characterization at various flow rates and pump speeds.
- Valve characteristic curve development for gate, globe, and butterfly valves.
- Energy loss due to pipe fittings and friction.
- Flow splitting prediction and analysis.
- Comparison of flow control using throttling and pump speed manipulation to minimize energy use.
- Valve position control (VPC) for multiple end users of a pipeline distribution system to conserve energy.