P3: 2013 Summer Interns' Project Overviews
In the summer of 2013, nine student interns and one graduate student assistant participated in UNL's Partners in Pollution Prevention Program. Students worked with businesses to research methods of reducing waste and preventing pollution. They also assisted with a wide variety of projects focusing on energy efficiency, water conservation and waste management. Each student prepared a report of proposed improvements, detailing the economic and environmental benefits of implementing their suggestions.
The following project overviews describe the interns' projects and recommendations.
The following project overviews describe the interns' projects and recommendations.
Single Business Partnership
- Megan Lush - Abengoa, York
Analyzed sludge management alternatives, including regulatory barriers, to avoid landfill disposal. - Laurel Metzger - Hughes Brothers, Seward
Analyzed the galvanizing and steel forging processes with a focus on hazardous waste reduction and energy efficiency. - Stephen Schlender – O’Neill Beef Packing, Omaha
Conducted water conservation and energy efficient-related projects. - Zachary Seier - Hughes Brothers, Seward
Evaluated sustainable manufacturing topics including metrology, elimination of single-use packing, and metal embrittlement.
- Lucas Frahm - Graham Tire, Lincoln
Analyzed waste streams and identified opportunities for energy and solid waste reductions for a small class-only project.
- Kristin Cope - UNL Extension and Agricultural Producers in Fillmore and Clay Counties Nebraska
Analyzed irrigation systems for water/energy conservation. - Matthew Graham - UNL Extension and Agricultural Producers in Colfax County Nebraska
Analyzed irrigation systems for water/energy conservation. - Charlie Hinds - NDEQ - Multiple Projects on Energy Efficiency for Small Community Wastewater Plants
Conducted detailed energy audits for two small community wastewater treatment plants. - Anna Sorensen - UNL Extension and Agricultural Producers in Madison County Nebraska
Analyzed irrigation systems for water/energy conservation.