P3: Pollution Prevention

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. - Ben Franklin

Pollution Prevention substantial measures are as follows:

globe with a drop of water coming out of it
Water Conservation

Finger touching sign that says Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency

Sign that says Zero Waste
Waste Elimination

Symbol for Recycling

Smokestack with smoke coming out of it
Management of Air Emissions

Risk meter with an arrow pointing to low, medium and high
Risk Reduction

Pollution Prevention is Beneficial Because It Can:

  • Reduce operating costs (from reduced raw material and energy inputs and also reduced waste disposal costs)
  • Reduce the risk of criminal and civil liability
  • Improve employee morale and participation
  • Enhance company's image in the community
  • Protect the public's health and the environment

P2 and Sustainability

Building a sustainable future is critical to our global economy. Pollution prevention can help lead to more sustainable systems. Sustainable systems (or industries) are those that minimize the use of non-renewable resources like fossil fuels, cut down on the use of persistent and/or toxic synthetic chemicals, and prevent the degradation of living systems (e.g. overharvesting of forests). A sustainable system will require less input and produce less pollution in order that future generations will have the necessary resources to meet their needs. Practicing pollution prevention is one way in which society can become more sustainable.